Final Trial

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Kong's pov

In the aftermath of Arthit's statement, a month had passed, and the anticipation for the impending trial had taken center stage. With Arthit's testimony and the subsequent handover of the culprits to the police by Win and Earth, we were propelled into a whirlwind of preparations for the legal proceedings. Although I had a strong desire to confront those spineless individuals before they faced the authorities, the urgency of the situation forced us to hand them over without delay.

Throughout this period, Arthit showed remarkable resilience. He made a plea to our friends and family, requesting that they not accompany him to the trial. Understandably, this decision sent shockwaves through those who cared about him, with many fearing that he was pushing them away. I too had concerns; I worried that the weight of the courtroom might prove too much for him, that he might falter when facing his tormentors once more, or that he might struggle to speak the truth. However, Arthit surprised us all.

He steadfastly held his ground, standing strong in the face of adversity. With the assistance of our skilled lawyer and the ample evidence at our disposal, he managed to establish the culprits' guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. And today marked the day of reckoning, where the parents of these wrongdoers wisely chose not to engage in any futile antics, fully aware of their children's actions.

"Arthit, my love, please hurry. We can't afford to be late," I called out from the hallway as Arthit hurriedly retrieved his forgotten phone from the room. He rushed to my side, our hands interlocking as we departed from our home.

"Let's go," he said, his hand firmly entwined with mine, while Win and Earth chauffeured us to the courthouse. Arthit had developed a genuine fondness for the two, recognizing their unwavering support throughout this ordeal. I harbored no resentment; they had played a crucial role in his salvation, earning their place in his heart.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Win's announcement that we had arrived at our destination. I cast a glance at Arthit before stepping out of the car, noticing the tension in his face.

"Love, everything will be fine," I assured him as I wrapped my arms around him. He flinched slightly at the touch, seemingly lost in his thoughts. However, I wouldn't allow him to drown in his worries.

"Don't burden your mind too much. In the end, everything will be alright. You're not alone in this. It's normal to be nervous, but don't let it overwhelm you. Let's bring this to a close, okay?" I whispered softly in his ear. He nodded against my chest, releasing a sigh of relief.

We emerged from the car and made our way toward the courtroom. Arthit clung tightly to my hand, his anxiety palpable.

As everyone settled in the courtroom in anticipation of the impending trial, Arthit's grip on my hand grew even more intense. I could feel his nails digging into my palm, but I didn't react. My sole aim was to be his unwavering support, regardless of the form it took.

"Relax, my love," I murmured into his ear, and he took several deep breaths, gradually loosening his grip on my hand.

"I'm sorry," he finally whispered, his eyes still fixed on the courtroom ahead. I shook my head and offered him a reassuring smile.

"It's alright," I responded.

The trial commenced, and the three culprits eventually admitted their guilt. Even if they hadn't, the mountain of evidence against them was insurmountable. They were subsequently sentenced to 15 years in prison, accompanied by hefty fines and no possibility of parole. Their families were left shattered by the verdict, but I couldn't summon any sympathy for their despair. They had turned a blind eye to their children's actions for far too long. Arthit breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the judgment.

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