Morning Quarrel

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3rd person pov

The morning sun filtered through the window, casting warm light into the room. Their bodies were entwined, with Arthit lying atop Kongpob and nuzzling his nose into Kong's neck. Arthit's arms tightened around Kong's shoulders, and he inhaled deeply, taking in Kong's scent with a contented moan.

And then, a sudden realization hit him like a bolt of lightning.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Arthit shouted at the top of his lungs, likely causing anyone within earshot to question their hearing. He hastily scooted to the edge of the bed and kicked Kongpob with such force that Kong toppled off the bed and landed unceremoniously on the floor.

"Ugh, what the fvck? Why are you screaming and kicking like a maniac first thing in the morning?" Kongpob groaned as he got up from the floor, rubbing his sore backside. He cast an irritated glance at Arthit, waiting for an explanation.

Arthit's expression was a mix of confusion and shock. How on earth did he end up in the same bed with Kongpob?

"What do you mean 'what the fvck'? You explain to me how I ended up here in this bed with you?"

Kongpob sighed, realizing that Arthit must not remember their actions from the previous night. He cautiously climbed onto the bed and sat in front of Arthit, patiently ready to explain.

"Alright, listen carefully. So i just went there to see you. I couldn't bear the thought of you sulking and sleeping alone. So, I went to check on you to see if you were alright."

"But that doesn't explain how I got here."

"Basically, I apologized to you, and you started crying – I think you were asleep at that point. So, I picked you up and brought you to our room."

Arthit's mind raced, trying to recall the events of the previous night. He pondered whether he should go through with his plan to make Kongpob regret ignoring him. He decided to first confirm if Kongpob had indeed apologized to him.

"You... you said sorry to me?" Arthit looked at Kongpob with wide, curious eyes.

"Yeah, I did. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I should have talked to you earlier. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I left you alone for the entire evening and night. It was my mistake to let you be on your own."

Arthit's voice was barely a whisper as he confessed, "Because you don't care. You don't love me." The words were barely audible, but they carried the weight of his uncertainty. Kongpob swiftly cupped Arthit's face in his hands, his tone gentle and reassuring.

"Of course I care. I love you deeply. Trust me, doubting my feelings for you is the last thing you should do. You're my soulmate, the love of my life. Don't doubt our love, the love that's unique to us." Kongpob let out a sigh, his heart aching at the realization that Arthit had questioned their love.

A heavy silence lingered between them. Kongpob's heart felt heavy from the knowledge that Arthit had doubted his love, while Arthit grappled with the understanding that he had unfairly mistrusted Kongpob. Eventually, they both found the courage to break the silence. He thought Kong don't care about him. But he was wrong. And he hurt his lover by saying those horrible words. He regret saying that now. Arthit tried to converse after a long silence.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was angry, frustrated, and you didn't come to me; you ignored me."

"I didn't ignore you. I thought you might need some time to sort through your thoughts. I believed you didn't want to talk to me, so I kept my distance." Kongpob's words carried a tinge of regret, reflecting his own struggles with the situation.

"Nooo, you ignored me. You were silent the entire evening, and you left me alone in that room nearly the entire night. YOU IGNORED ME." Arthit's voice grew more emphatic, and he crossed his arms over his chest in a combination of irritation and cuteness. The sight tugged at Kongpob's heart, making him want to hold Arthit close and shower him with affection. But he held back, determined to keep the conversation on track.

"Yet you chose the other room in the first place. You could've slept here, and we could've talked earlier," Kongpob offered in defense.

"Yeah, well, you could've come after me in the evening, preventing this early morning argument," Arthit countered, unwilling to back down from the debate. He sought victory in this verbal exchange, but Kongpob recognized the futility of continuing the argument.

"Okay, fine. I'll take the blame. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. In the future, I'll make sure to come after you right away when we have disagreements," Kongpob admitted defeat with a mental chuckle, yet his final statement raised Arthit's eyebrows.

"Wait, so you mean there will be a 'next time'? Are you saying we're just going to keep fighting and arguing about trivial things? Kong, you never learn! You're such a pain in the a**. I hate you." Arthit playfully pouted his lips, hoping to evoke a chuckle from Kongpob or at least irritate him a little. Kongpob, however, responded with a smile, enfolding Arthit in a warm embrace.

"But you love this 'stupid a** boyfriend,' don't you?" Kongpob's chuckle was contagious, and it earned a whine from Arthit.

"You're a stupid a** boyfriend."

"I know that too, and I love you more." Kongpob's laughter continued, accompanied by a tender kiss to Arthit's hair. Amidst the tangled emotions, Arthit sighed contentedly, finding solace in the arms of the person he loved. He savored Kongpob's scent, the reassuring rhythm of his heart, and the familiar embrace that felt like home.

"No, i love you more than you." Arthit insisted, determined to have the final word. Kongpob laughed at his innocent lover and replied.

"It can't be. My love for you will never be any less ever. I fall in love with you more every second I spent with you." He kissed his lover's pouted lips. Arthit was overwhelmed with his lover's reply. He didn't express But answered.

"But I love you most." Kongpob's chuckle turned into a soft laugh, and he settled comfortably on the bed, pulling Arthit onto him. In the cocoon of each other's embrace, they found solace and contentment, eventually succumbing to the gentle embrace of slumber once again.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin