Almost........ (II)

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Kong's pov

We arrived back home, and I carefully lifted Arthit from my lap. Earth hurriedly opened the car door for me, and as I stepped out, he rushed ahead to open the house door. Having given them a spare key for emergencies, he easily let us in. I hurriedly carried Arthit towards our room and gently placed him on the bed. Turning to Earth, I inquired if he had called P May.

"Yes, boss. She's on her way," he replied, glancing at Arthit. A mix of anger and frustration crossed his face as he clenched his teeth, visibly holding back curses.

"Tell me everything that happened. There must be security cameras. Get Win to retrieve the footage. You know what to do—delete it afterward. We'll deal with this once Arthit is okay."

"Boss, we're still piecing together what exactly happened. We're searching for him. When we found him, he was cornered against the wall. Those scumbags were... touching him everywhere. I can't even imagine what might have happened if we hadn't reached in time. I was at a loss, something I've never experienced before. I swear, they won't get away with this," Earth's voice dripped with rage as he finished recounting.

"Please don't tell me you've acted without thinking again," a voice chimed in from behind. I knew exactly who it was. She pushed me aside and sat by Arthit's side, her gaze fixed on me with a glare that could burn through steel.

"P May, I haven't. But you need to calm down before I explain."

"Fine, I'm listening."

"He... he was assaulted at the mall. We're not sure how far it went. I don't even know if they intended to assault him or... or worse."


"Yes, P. And please, check on him. He was thrashing around when I tried to soothe him. He didn't even recognize me. I'm lost on what to do." Tears welled up and streamed down my face. I didn't care about appearing weak to my subordinates. In the face of my love's pain, my emotions overflowed. Somehow, I managed to keep standing.

"Kong, this better not be some sick joke. If it is, I'll personally throw you out of the window."

"P, do I seem like I'm joking? Just see him for yourself. We can talk later." She fell silent, turning her attention to Arthit. His face was flushed, his eyes swollen, dried blood on his lips, and finger marks marring his skin.

"Please, give me some space."

"No, I won't. I won't leave him alone."

"Kong, this could be traumatic if he wakes up during the process. And you really don't want to witness me checking his entire body. Please, give me privacy."

I said determined, "No, it's final. Earth, you go to the mall. Let Win handle the rest." Earth nodded and left the room. P May let out a sigh, her gaze fixed on Arthit. 

I met her eyes, and she spoke softly, "Kong, this won't be easy. I'm warning you."

"I won't leave his side, no matter how difficult it gets."

"Alright, then get me some warm water and a clean towel. We need to disinfect any wounds he might have."

I headed to the kitchen to fetch warm water and then to the bathroom for a clean towel, determined to support Arthit and face whatever lay ahead.

May's pov

I found myself grappling with what to do about Kong. I didn't want him to witness this. Knowing his temperament, I was certain he wouldn't be able to control himself.

Asking him to fetch water, I began to gently remove Arthit's clothes. But when I peeled off his t-shirt, I was met with a shocking sight that left me speechless. His body was covered in handprints, scratches, and marks. I couldn't help but shudder at the disturbing scene before me.

"Oh my god, what the hell?"

"Whoever did this is going to pay dearly," Kong's voice pierced the room as he walked in. Though I didn't reply, his assistance was needed to undress Arthit further.

"Kong, help me with his jeans. I need to carefully examine his entire body before coming to any conclusions," I instructed, my voice heavy with concern. His widened eyes met mine as he hesitated.

"You're going to examine him? Like, physically?"

I let out a weary sigh. "Kong, trust me, you don't want to see this. I have to ensure he's okay. Please wait outside or occupy yourself with something else. Maybe you should contact his parents."

"But... I... I can't leave him like this." I rose from the bed and approached Kong, who stood by Arthit's feet. Holding his hands, I tried to comfort him.

"Please, my love, can you do this for Arthit? You need to be strong. He needs your strength now. You have to be strong for him. Keep yourself composed." Tears flowed from his eyes, and he tightened his grip on my hand.

"I... I wasn't there when he needed me most. It's all my fault. I should've gone with him. If he wasn't alone, this wouldn't have happened." He broke down into sobs, and my heart shattered at the sight. Kong rarely showed vulnerability; seeing him like this was heart-wrenching—a shattered, anxious, and frightened version of himself.

"Hey, don't you dare weaken. The Kong we know is strong, fierce, and confident. Where is that Kong? Remember, Arthit knows that Kong. He'll be disheartened to see this side of you."

"Please, I want to stay with him." I sighed, conceding.

Alright, then help me undress him." Kong nodded hesitantly and moved closer to assist. Together, we removed Arthit's clothes, and Kong's gaze fell upon his battered body. I audibly gasped at the sight of the numerous scratches and bruises. Kong clenched his fists, struggling to contain his anger from erupting.

"Kong, are you sure you're up for this?"

"Right now, P, I don't want to talk. Just let me do what needs to be done."

And so, I tended to Arthit's wounds, all the while Kong stood at the headboard, eyes fixed on his face. As I examined him, I needed to check for any internal injuries as well.

"Kong, I need you to help me turn him onto his stomach." His gaze snapped towards me, a tear trailing down his cheek. He complied, his motions heavy with sadness. I rested a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I really don't want you to see this, Kong." He shook his head, seating himself on the floor beside Arthit's head. Tenderly, he held Arthit's hand in both of his, dropping kisses on it before giving it a gentle squeeze.

"You're just as stubborn as ever." I sighed, returning to my task.

Carefully, I assessed Arthit's back, searching for any signs of forced entry. There were handprints and scratches below his waist, but to my relief, it wasn't as severe as I had feared. Though it was already distressing enough, I found some comfort in the fact that it might not have gone as far as my worst imaginings.

"Thank goodness. I'm fvcking relieved," I exhaled deeply. Kong's attention shifted to me. He hadn't been watching me; his gaze had been fixated solely on his boyfriend's face.

"P, is he... is he?" His sentence remained unfinished, interrupted by a soft whimper that reached our ears. Kong instantly stood, grabbing a blanket from the bed to cover Arthit.

"I'll wait outside. Just join me when you're done," he requested, perching on the edge of the bed before addressing me again.

"P, if he gets traumatized, I won't be able to handle it."

"The possibility is higher, Kong. I won't sugarcoat it. He might struggle with trauma, and worse, he might push us all away. But the most effective medicine for him right now is support, love, care—and the person who can provide that the best is you. So, don't doubt yourself. Try to handle the situation calmly." He nodded, his fingers tenderly brushing through Arthit's hair. He stood, and we left the room to converse privately.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Where stories live. Discover now