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Kongpob's pov

Arthit's emotions were spiraling out of control, and I desperately tried to make him listen to reason.

"Arthit, are you out of your mind? Where did you even get this idea about Wad and me?"

He shot back with frustration, "You gave me that idea, Kongpob. Why don't you just admit that you're with Wad?"

I was baffled by his accusations. Me and Wad? I couldn't comprehend how he had reached such a conclusion. What had I done to make him think this way, to give him this stupid thought?

A moment ago I was thinking that he had another one in his life but instead I was being blamed for having one.

Struggling to contain the rising tension, I implored, "Arthit, please, just calm down."

His frustration was getting the best of him as he retorted, "Why should I? You're the one who's been keeping quiet about you and Wad. You know what? I don't want to talk to you. Just leave me alone."

Arthit's behavior was baffling and irrational. I knew he had misunderstood the situation, and I regretted not addressing his concerns earlier. I should have cleared it with him.

"Arthit, please, why are you doing this? Just let me explain."

"Why should I listen to you? You don't even care about me. You only care about yourself, your friends, and your Wad."

His words stung, and it was clear that his frustrations were causing him to lash out. However, I couldn't let this situation escalate further.

He was not listening to me. To grab his attention I shook his shoulder and called his name loudly.

I raised my voice to cut through the tension, "Arthit, just shut the hell up!"

The sudden outburst seemed to catch him off guard. His gaze locked onto mine, and in that moment, I decided to take control of the situation. I cupped his face with both hands, hoping to make him focus on my words.

"Can you please just listen to me? Please, Arthit, stay quiet and listen. Just for once keep quiet and listen." He was frozen and didn't respond.

He remained frozen, his eyes locked onto mine. I seized the opportunity and confessed, "I'm not with Wad. I don't know what led you to think that, but it's not true. He's in love with someone else."

"No, you're lying."

"I'm not lying, Arthit. Please, you have to believe me. Why would I lie about something like this?"

"Because you don't like me."

"Arthit... God, what am I going to do with you?"

He persisted, "Look, You haven't even told me whether you like me or not."

"Of course, I like you. I love you."

"Wh... What ... You ?"

The revelation seemed to stun him, rendering him momentarily speechless. Without hesitation, I pulled him into a tight hug and kissed him, hoping to communicate my feelings in actions, not words.

However, his response was not what I expected. He pushed me away forcefully, creating distance between us. I respected his space, stepping back to give him room to breathe.

"Arthit, you need to trust me," I urged, taking his hand and drawing him closer, then wrapping my arm around his waist. He avoided meeting my eyes, his gaze fixed on some distant point. His unease was palpable.

"You know P' Prem at the restaurant. He and Wad are engaged."

He opened his eyes wide and looked into my face.

"Yes, you didn't notice. But they are keeping it secret. Just waiting for the right time to tell everyone."

"But.. but that night ..in club. I heard him calling you sweetheart. And ...and today he was clinging to you all the time.?

"We are very close friends since college. And he has always teased me by calling me that.. I mean sweetheart. And today he was just making P'Prem jealous because he had some sort of rgument earlier that day."

Now he was out of thoughts and didn't know what to say. I knew what he was feeling. I did not say anything, but tightened my grip on his waist.

"Kongpob, I.. I. Am sorry" he finally managed to say, his voice tinged with regret.

"Shhh, I know . It's my fault for not telling you at the first place."

As his agitation subsided, I leaned in close to his ear, my voice soft and intimate, "But you didn't realize what I said earlier."

His eyes narrowed as he attempted to process the jumble of events, and then he was blushing furiously. He feigned irritation, trying to push me away.

"Kongpob, let go of me. I don't know what you're talking about. And I'm still angry that you didn't tell me about Wad."

"I've told you now. So, what's my answer?" I teased playfully.

"What answer? I don't even know the question."

"Arthit, don't be such a brat."

He couldn't hide his smile, a soft pink tinting his cheeks.

"You know, I don't think you actually like me. Maybe you're just here because of your parents," I feigned my disappointment.

Attempting to get a more direct response from him, I let go of him, pretending to sulk. "Arthit, maybe I shouldn't have pressured you into living together if it was your father's decision. I understand if you don't want to be with me."

He retorted, "What are you talking about? No one forced me to live with you. No one can make me do something I don't want to do, not even my father."

"Then you must be regretting being stuck with me."

"Are you suggesting I don't want this relationship?" he asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I'm not suggesting anything. Those are your thoughts."

"No, I am not thinking that."

His nervousness was evident now, his face flushing a deeper shade of pink. I decided to give him a moment to process everything I had said.

"Arthit, I know we didn't start off on the best foot, but as time went on, I found myself falling for you. But if you don't feel the same way, I understand. I shouldn't have dragged you into all of this." I watched as he struggled with his emotions, knowing that this was a turning point for us.

"So... So we should part our ways. I should not have bothered you at first. It was my fault to bring you into this mess."

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Where stories live. Discover now