[30] Who Will Win?

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, his dragon companion Toothless lets out a roar of warning. Causing Hiccup to face forward and focus on the obstacles ahead of him. With experience of years of flying, the chieftain expertly shifts his dragons direction with a flick of his prosthetic foot. Maneuvering out of the way of the first looming sea stack, and going under the arch of another.

Behind the two in the lead, the Woolly Howl dives to the side to avoid the sea stack, using the moment from the dive to pull away from the twins.

Varor makes his Sand Wraith dive low to the water, making the Zippleback follow him. Right as he twists to avoid colliding into the rocky walls of a sea stack, Remus blasts the sea water below them, causing the water to spray the twins. The blondes cry out and fall behind a few wing beats as Varor, the Sand Wraith's rider, laughed in triumph. Varor focused his blue eyes on the back of a certain (H/C) rider.

(Y/N), the rider of Skyler the Woolly Howl, had her (E/C) eyes dead set in front of her in utmost concentration. Leaning when Skyler turned, swirled and spun to avoid crashing into the rocky walls of the sea stacks. Dragon and rider looked to be in almost perfect sync as they flew completely sideways for a moment to get through a narrow gap.

A blast hit the rock wall by her head, causing her to cry out in alarm and throw Skyler momentarily off course. A blur of brown zoomed passed them as Skyler fought to regain her lost speed. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at Varor smirking back at her on top of Remus.

Skyler let out a rumbling growl below her. Propelling her (F/C) flecked, tan wings to out do the Sand Wraith in front of her. They swung around rocks and skimmed the ocean, but Remus stayed firmly in their way, preventing them from pulling forward.

(Y/N)'s eyes searched the scenery flying past, they were almost out of the sea stack maze. Her eyes locked onto one of the remaining sea stacks ahead, an opening so small and close to the water a dragon flying wouldn't be able to fit.

Remus flew upward, deciding to go over the stack because he was too big. (Y/N), however, had other plans. Skyler, seeming to read her mind, dove for the hole and tucked in her wings last second as close to her body as possible. (Y/N) laid herself flat against her dragon's furry back, feeling the ceiling of the rocky hole graze her back. Varor just pulled over the top of the stack when a tan blur shot forward from seemingly beneath the rock. (Y/N) let out a whoop of joy, her (H/C) flying wildly behind her before she turned and stuck her tongue out at Varor. While Skyler gained headway, Varor looked behind him to see the twins on his tail, he groaned.

Meanwhile, Hiccup leans low on Toothless's back as they streak across the sky. Behind him, Astrid pushes Stormfly to go faster. The dark form of the Nightfury banked to follow the coastline, his rider looking for the path to the finish line. Astrid growled under breath, determination shining in her eyes. She is so close, like Stormfly could bite Toothless's tail close.

A violet blast exploded next to Toothless, the air around the explosion felt as cold as ice. Toothless let out a startled roar, almost slowing down to a stop. Stormfly's quills spiked and she shot them behind her on reflex. A yelp sounded from behind them, coming from a certain (H/C) hair rider. One of Stormfly's spines skimmed the top of her right shoulder when she ducked to dodge them, leaving a small scratch. (Y/N) ignored it and instead used this moment of distraction to pull ahead in the lead.

Astrid recovered first, scowling and diving after (Y/N) without a second thought. Hiccup followed soon after, right on their tails. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes spotted the gap in the forest, the pathway leading to the finish.

Skyler dove to turn into the path when Stormfly slammed into her. (Y/N) had to pull on the saddle straps to prevent Skyler from hitting a tree. Astrid's blue eyes glared at (Y/N), the fire of competition burned brightly in her gaze. (Y/N) couldn't help but glare back, feeling the desire to win herself. Both girls looked forward as trees began to pop up along the path. Left, right, over, and under branches they flew. Each trying to best the other and win. Ahead, a large shape of a four-winged dragon hovered over the set finish line. Astrid and (Y/N) simultaneously looked at each other.

Suddenly, Toothless swooped in and stole the lead. As he passed, he grinned his signature toothless smile with a tongue hanging out. Hiccup smiled to them before concentrating on maneuvering around the trees ahead. Both females narrowed their eyes, unconsciously agreeing to focus their efforts on the Chieftain of Berk.

The tall trees' branches whipped by in a blur of green and brown. Leaves are torn from the branches from the wind the three riders pick up. All riders are tense and focused as the clearing marked as the finish line comes into view. Nightfury, Woolly Howl, and Deadly Nadder pump their muscled wings for the final push. Their riders leaning down as close to the saddle they can go, holding their breath as their hearts pounded in their chests. Hiccup in the middle with (Y/N) and Astrid on either side of him. Their dragons outstretched their limbs, preparing to land. In a blur of black, teal, and tan, they slammed onto the grassy ground. While Toothless and Stormfly stuck their landing, Skyler tipped over one of her feet and was sent tumbling to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" Exclaimed Hiccup, leaping from Toothless who was panting heavily from exertion. Skyler finally came to a stop, letting out a whimper as she laid there on her side. Astrid watched as Hiccup rushed to Skyler's side as the dragon pulled herself back up. (Y/N) groans from the ground where she fell off of Skyler, looking disoriented.

Hiccup kneels by her side and looks down at her in concern. "Are you alright?!"

(Y/N) blinks and looks into his worried green eyes. "Who won?" Hiccup frowns at her.

"Hiccup did, but you came close," came a woman's voice from above. Using her staff, Valka lowered herself from Cloudjumper and onto the ground. Where Hiccup was helping (Y/N) up, she leaned onto him for support, even though she didn't entirely need it.

"Wait, who's second?" Astrid asked, still sitting on tired Stormfly.

"(Y/N)," Valka replied with a smile, "But only by a hair." Astrid looked away and glared at the ground.

Hiccup smiled at (Y/N), who was trying to find her bearings. "You and Skyler did some pretty good flying out there."

(Y/N) looked at Hiccup and gave him a smile of her own, "Thanks." Hiccup couldn't help but take in her disheveled look. Leaves are stuck in her (H/C) hair that's knotted by the wind. The cut on her shoulder appears to have stopped bleeding, and the sun shone down on her (S/C) face and reflected in her bright (E/C) eyes full of life.

"You still need to work on your landings though," Hiccup commented.

"I know..." Her head drooped.

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