Chapter |17| The In- Laws

Start from the beginning

"Sleep, now." He orders and I comply. The moment my eyes shut, I fall into a blissful sleep.

"Prepare for landing." The pilots announces through the speakers, making me wake up. I notice an arm wrapped around my waist and then other under my neck, acting as a pillow.

Ryder's fully awake but yet looks as though he's in a daze, staring at me. I bring my hand up to gently cup his cheek, snapping him out of his day dream.

"Hey gorgeous, you're awake. Good, I missed you but I have to say that you do look pretty cute when you're sleeping. Especially when you drool, and the light snores that come out of your mouth are so fucking cute." I immediately look away from him, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

Fuck, I can't believe I snored and drooled in front of him.

Of course, it's not something I can control but still, it's pretty fucking embarrassing.

I sit up and stretch out my arms, before grabbing my cardigan and making my way back into the main seating area. I buckle myself into the large leather seat, and rest my head against the cold window.

It's dark so I can't see anything other than lights, but the view is still pretty. I still have no clue where we are but I don't think it's somewhere tropical, judging from the large amount of fog covering the sky.

Ryder sighs and he falls down in the seat next to me and rests his head on my shoulder. I move my head so it's on top of his and he links our hands together.

I smile at his engagement ring and move my left hand so it's sitting on top of his.

Our rings are similar in style and colour expect his has less diamonds but it still looks pretty expensive. It's sad to think that when we get married I'll be wearing a different ring, although maybe I could wear both.

Ryder's thumb brushes over my engagement ring and he brings it up to his mouth, planting a small kiss on the finger.

"I want this you know. Marriage. I want it with you. I want to be with you Gabi, I know I acted like a jerk in the past but if you let me, I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Tears pricked my eyes but I refuse to let them fall, even though they were happy tears. I've done enough crying in these past couple of days than have in my entire life, now it's time for some happiness.

I lean forward and kiss him, soft and gently yet filled with passion. "I want that too." I whispered and a big smile broke out on his face.

"I love seeing you smile. You should do it a lot more." I said in a daze, tracing the outline of his lips.

He really was the perfect specimen, no-one could deny that. He looked like he was carved by angels and honestly, I can't believe he wants me.

It seems so unreal, like a fairytale, and to be honest I'm waiting for something to go wrong and screw it up but right now, I'm gonna enjoy every second of it.

"Will you tell me now? Please, I really want to know," I batted my eyelashes and gave him the pout that let me stay up past bedtime multiple times as a child, eat cake for breakfast and go to parties. The pout that controls my father and lets me have whatever I want.

"Uhh, you're so impatient. Fine I'll tell you, just stop giving me that look I can hardly control myself as it is." I grinned victoriously and urged for him to go on.

"So, you know how yesterday you told me all about your exams and school." I remember back to the moment when we walked along the pier and I told Ryder how much I missed my family and wished that I could finish my exams.

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