Chapt. 39

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             Newborn vampires speed through the woods in a frenzy picking up the scent of blood Bella left behind for them. Their rapid thirst causing them to follow the scenes but suddenly... it stops. The newborn vampires grow continue and suddenly something bolts toward attacks the one in the front.

The other newborns look around quickly, finding a leather-loathing Jasper Whitlock-Hale. Jasper is crouched beside the body of his victim, looking at the other newborns. To many, Jasper would look intimidating.

The newborns rush at Jasper but three of them go down. Esme, Conner, Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie, and Alice soon join in on the fight. Jasper can only wish Neveah was amongst them but he gets thst she is still an easier target and could be a liability.

Sam, Jared, and Paul lunges at some wolves suddenly, taking the newborns by surprise as Jasper had said. Giving them an edge. Four more wolves jump into the mess: Embry, Quill, Seth, and Leah.

Emmett, always ready for a fight springs full-bore into the fight. Eager to fight some newborns, wishing Neveah was here. The wolves coordinated and deadly all work together with the Cullens easily. Jasper is able to control the field, strategy, and speed vs. strength.

Rosalie is fighting calmly, icy calm. Alicen with Conner. Esme and Carlisle are also fighting side- by-side. As they had expected, the newborns are strong as hell and they're brutal. The Cullens and the pack are taking hits if their own and Jacob soon arrives to the screen, taking out a newborn, going for the vampire's neck.

Sam and Jacob go for a newborn together, grabbing an warm watch and ripping them off the body. Paul is surrounded by three newborns and Emmett goes over to back him up. The two competitive creatures share a look. Emmett smirks at Paul before the lunge into battle, side-by-side, working on the three newborns.

Carlisle and Esme move in on a young vampire named Bree. The young newborn backs away in fear, the mares share anoook and relax their attack stance as they attempt to talk calmly to Bree.

Alive darts from a newborns, knowing their neck move, she doesn't even look at them. She sweeps their feet, keeping them off balance, making the vampires confused. Conner is right behind her, giving her as much cover as he can and Jasper joins, getting bit in the shoulder.

Alice bolts over and she flings the newborn toward Neveah, who just so happened to show up to fight with a glint in her eye. She grabs the vampire and she uses her newborn strength to rip to shreds single handedly.

"What are you doing here?" Jasper hisses.

"Don't you dare speak to me thst way," Neveah snaps. "Wolves!"

The two wolves come running out and they help Neveah, snarling at newborns and ripping their up with the help of their controller. Jasper glares at her back as Emmett backs Neveah and her wolves up. Emmett had been hoping she'd show up for sine action, even if it angered Jasper.

"She's strong," Alice says as she tends to Jas. "Let her fight. She has her animals, and she has Emmett, and the pack."

Jasper looks looks at Neveah's fighting form.  She's a natural at this.

Sit. The two wolves immediately sit and Neveah helps drag bodies to the center of the familiar clearing. Emmett has stayed by her side since she made an appearance in the battle.

Alice had seen a vision of members of the Volturi guard coming. It's the twins, Jane and Alec. Plus two more named Demitri and Felix. Neveah has never met any of the Volturi.

"How long?" Neveah asks Alice in a kind come. Go! The wolves take off running back to their habitats.

Edward and Bella come rushing up to the pit Emmett just lit, Bella's blood isn't even bothering Neveah right now.

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