Chapt. 22

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            Neveah goes outside to help Charlie take the trash out. She stuffs one of the bags down into one of the bins as Bob Marks, their neighbor, brings two beat up dirt bikes to the end of his drive. One of them has been there for ten minutes, Bob is bringing the second one up. 

"It's about time you for ride of those, Bob," Charlie points out as Neveah finally gets the bin lid closed. "Seen one too many bikers smeared on the highway."

"Save the lecture, Chief," Bob replies. "Soon as the garbage truck hauls 'em off, you and my wife can ease of." He goes to walk away but he stops. "Oh, hey, what's the word on that bear problem? Folks are sayin' they're huge."

"That's just.... talk..." Charlie is distracted by Bella going to her truck, finally leaving the house.

Bob follows his gaze. "How you doin' there, Bella?"

Bella doesn't respond, she stays in her own little world as she walks to her truck.

Bob looks at Charlie in understanding. "You take care of your dad, Neveah, and welcome to the neighborhood."

"I will," Neveah says as Charlie goes to confront Bella. "I, gonna go. It was nice talking to you, Bob."

"You, too, little lady."

Neveah goes inside and finds Hector dressed. He asked Penelope and Neveah, he's handing with the blonde today. It's one of his new favorite things to do. Since Bella's depression, Neveah has been the one to bond with him. She absolutely adores the kid.

"You ready, kid?" Neveah asks.

Hector nods once before he goes out to Neveah's car with her.

Neveah drives to Port Angeles and they see what kid movies are playing. Once Hector makes his choice on what movie he wants to see, Neveah agrees. She spots Bella and Jess.

"Hey, Neveah!" Jessica greets. "Gets kid."

"Hey, Jessica," Hector greets with a blush, the ten year old has a major crush on Jessica.

Neveah leads Hector onto the theatre room where the kid movie is playing.

She misses Jasper everyday. Nev hopes Jess was right that day. That one day, Jas will return and realize what an idiot he was, and want her back. Nev also knows that it's hopeful dreaming for that to even happen.

"Are you okay, sis?" Hector asks.

"I'm ok," Neveah replies and she sees the unconvinced look the smart kid's giving her. "I will be ok."

"I'll help you be ok," Hector promises. "I love you."

Neveah smiles as she pulls the kid to her side. "I love you, too, kid."

Neveah and Hector go to McDonald's after the movie. She gets herself a McDouble and a Doctor pepper. Hector gets a mcchicken and a sprite. The two sit ar a table together and Neveah's phone rings.

"Hello?" She says into the speaker as Hector takes a bite, getting mayonnaise and lettuce all over him, Neveah smiles as the kid laughs.

"Hey, girlie," Penelope greets. "How was the movie?"

"The movie Hector chose was so freaking good, he chose Hoodwinked," Neveah replies. "We're at McDonald's now. Kid got hungry and now he has mayonnaise all over his face."

"I do not!" Hector protests.

"Go look in the bathroom mirror, and if you do, you or your mom owe me ice cream," Neveah says and the kid goes to the bathroom. "How was your and Charlie's date?"

"It was good," Penelope replies. "I'm glad you're bonding with Hector. He really adores you."

"I adore him, too," Neveah says.

"Darn it," Hector grumbles as he makes it back to the table after Neveah and Penelope hand you. "You were right."

"I know."

The two go home and hector goes straight to bed. Charlie made up the attack into a room for Neveah and her old room went to Hector while Penelope shares the room with Charlie.

The Christmas lights are left overs from this past Christmas

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The Christmas lights are left overs from this past Christmas. Charlie and Penelope used then to decorate the creases and the walls of Neveah's new bedroom. Penelope got her a teddy bear and a stuffed Eore. Neveah personally moves both. She named the teddy Jasper and kept the other as Eore. She always loved stuffed animals and Whinnie the Pooh, Eore was her favorite.

Neveah lays in the bed of her new room and looks at the close ceiling. Her room isn't the biggest, the ceiling is low. But it's enough for her to sleep and do her homework in, and to cry in peace in if she needs to.

She hasn't cried over Jasper since that first month he left. Jessica has helped Neveah keep her head above water, and kept her from drowning in her sorrows. Neveah is so thankful for her friends.

Neveah plans on going to Sam Uley's the following day to thank him for riding Bella. It's been months but Neveah has finally built up the courage to go to the attractive man's house. 

Neveah sids and she grabs a switch. She clicks it off and the Christmas lights turn off and so does the attic light. She has a switch that controls every light in this room at once. Charlie had an electrician set it up for her.

Neveah snuggles with both Jasper (the teddy bear) and her Eore as she falls asleep.

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