Chapter 8

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(Alex's POV)

Later that night Alex met up with her boyfriend and four closest friends and discussed what was happening for Kaldora's.
"Mum wants you all to stay with us over the holidays" Bear said.
"I'm in" everyone replied in unison. Alex couldn't wait to spend time with everyone for the holidays unlike the previous year where Kaiden, Jordan, and Alex had failed to complete a SAS assignment and had to stay behind until it was completed.


Blake, Bears oldest brother had proposed to Jeera, Kaiden's older sister and they had gotten married a few months later.
The wedding was beautiful and so was Jeera's dress. It had a beautiful train and was a slimfit around her chest to her hips. The bridesmaids were D.C, ALEX and one of Jeera's warden friends. Blake's groomsman were Johnny, Bear, Kaiden, and Jordan.
Kaiden and Alex had danced all night until they journeyed back to Akarnae to begin classes the next day.


Once they arrived at the Ronnigan's home Bear told them all where they were sleeping. Alex and Kaiden were in Blake's room because he and Jeera had a place of their own and wouldn't be there until Kaldora's. Jordan and D.C were put in Johnny's room because he had some urgent business and Bear shared his room with Declan much to everyones amusement.

Kaldora's went by in a blur of Gammy's apple pie, stories, presents, and family dinners every night. It was all over to soon in Alex's opinion.

A/N: to anyone who reads my story im so very sorry for this short chapter.
i have had some writers block and i dont have many ideas at the moment

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