Chapter 10

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(Alex's POV)

Alex was 20 years old and she was about to graduate with her three closest friends by her side and then leave Akarnae forever. She was sad that she would never step onto these grounds as a student ever again, and she was thankful for all her teachers and demanding subjects because they were the reason she was accepted into warden training.

She would be starting her training just after the summer holidays and in a few short weeks she would be able to become a sword and help serve the royal family with Kaiden and Jeera.

Tonight though Alex didn't have to worry about any of that because Declan had planned a huge grad party with Bear for them with all of their friends invited from the upper grades. When Alex got to Bear's place Kaiden and Declan were all ready there with Jordan and Bear. DC came just after Alex with the rest of the graduating class of 2019. Bear and Jordan went and started the music. Before long everyone was dancing and Kaiden was leading Alex away from all the noise and people and out behind the house into the garden.

"Alex, youve finally graduated and i would like to give you something" he said while placing a small box in her hands.

Slowly Alex opened the lid to see a beautiful necklace with a heart pendant on it. Kaiden picked up the necklace before she could and clasped it around her neck. Once it was firmly on her neck Alex launched herself at Kaiden and gave him the longest hug ever.

"Alex, I need to ask you something" he said. his face was uncertain a look rarely on Kaiden's face.

"What is it Kaiden? You seem worried" she replied.

"Umm... well I thought that maybe you and I. Since we have both graduated and you dont exactly have anywhere to uhh... stay, I thought we should move in together, in to our own house"

"Ok.. yes I would love to, but when and where and I have to get all of my stuff from the academy. Kaiden what am I going to tell everyone... I... I can't...  nevermind they will be fine, they will be happy for me." Alex's rambling went on for another few minutes until Kaiden put an arm around her waist and told her every thing would be fine and that he would be there for her through everything.

i know another short chapter but i did get two in today so bonus.

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