Chapter 4

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(Kaiden's POV)

The last thing Kaiden would ever expect is to be awoken in the middle of the night by a random guy while he was sleeping in his dorm room, where no one but him and Declan could get into. So thats why he threw his right fist straight into the mans jaw when he saw the purple eyes in front of his face.

"Who are you?" Kaiden asked

"I am Niyx Raedon. I am a friend of Alex's. " he replied.

"No you aren't, shed have told me, or Jordan, or D.C or Bear. She has never mentioned you what so ever."

"Thats very interesting, since we are very close you see, we have a very long history together" At this Kaiden was slightly disturbed, he thought 'she's single and she likes me. I know she does, she always says so by accident'

"She's single, I know she is otherwise..." Kaiden trailed off not knowing how to finish because Alex was it for him, he loved her. Before he could start talking again Niyx cut in and said "Im sorry to cause any trouble, but I need you to know who I am and who I am to Alex."

He explained that he was her protector, that he loved her, but not the way Kaiden loved her, he told him that Alex had saved his life and that he knew his time would come soon whether it be because of Alex dying or him dying to save her.

After he finished explaining he said "So I need you to give my kitten this letter once I depart to my place beyond the stars and protect her for me. Oh and if you hurt her you will be answering to me. Goodbye Kaiden."

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