chapter 18

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A/n: sorry everyone for not updating in a while. Schools been really stressful and I have no excuse for not updating. Thank you if you are still reading this.

Alex walked into the reception and was hugged by Dorothy, who was teary eyed and had red puffy cheeks from crying. She was then hugged by Roka and Zain who were smiling at her and laughing about her fall half way down the aisle

After everyone had said their congratulation to Alex and Kaiden they sat down. Dinner was the best she had ever eaten which makes sense since it was made by the meyarins.

~time skip brought to you by that dinner~

It was now time for the bride and grooms first dance. Kaiden bowed and took alexs hand before leading her onto the dance floor. They dance slowly, kaiden leading her just like every other time they had danced. He leant down and whispered in her ear,

"You've gotten better at dancing since the first time I watched you?"

She looked at him in question.

"You and declan, in your first combat lesson."

"I must have had a good teacher then."

At that moment Roka tapped Alex on the shoulder and asked kaiden if he could have a dance, kaiden nodded and started dancing with his aunt. Roka and Alex moved to the side and did one of the slower meyarin dances that she had learned back in the past as Aeylia.

"How is he Alex?"

"He's doing better. He doesn't try to kill me every time I come to see him now."

"Thats good. What about Niyx? Have you figured out how he got into the painting?"

"He's doing Ok. I feel like he'll always be unfocused because he's not still alive, and on how he got there. I think thats the library trying to give him a friend that will help him get better."

"Thank you for letting him live."

"It was your choice Ro. I just made it happen."

"Well thank you anyway."

Just then the music ended and dix got on the stage to start her speech so Alex and roka went and took their seats.

"Alex. You have been my best friend ever since that stupid myrox cage. We have been through so much that those months of me absolutely hating you seem like nothing. Now, I hope you have a great marriage and once me and Jordan get married we'll have to get together for some dilliberry juice. Declan your turn."

Dix hopped down and Declan went up.

"First off, Alex Im sorry about knocking you out in the first five minutes of knowing you. Now, kaiden. You are my best friend, youre a brother to me really. I know that this marriage is the next step of your life and I can't wait to hear all about it, but have fun and make sure to name one of your kids after me"

Everyone laughed as declan got down and Roka got up. Everyone went quiet.

"Kaiden. Don't you dare hurt this girl or you will be killed by some meyarins and a few dead ones as well. Alex, or should I say Aeylia. When we first met you were the meyarin raised by humans. The bridge between our two kinds and now two thousand years later you are again.
Do you know how scary it is to watch someone fall off of a balcony? Well, it nearly killed the three of us too watch that happen and not be able to do anything, and then your draekon came and saved you. You then came and stayed in the palace with us, learning the language and getting to learn the way of the meyarins. i hope the gracefulness you learnt back then will stay with you in the future. To Alex and Kaiden." he raised his glass and walked off the stage.

The next person to walk on the stage was Kaiden.


आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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A KAILEX fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें