20. Kiss And Tell - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hello, Raziel. Thank you for waiting on me," a voice said behind him.

Theron. Raz wanted to grab Theron by his coat lapels and send him a deserving punch. He hated people coming up behind him.

"What the hell Theron?" He snapped.

Theron arched an eyebrow, tucking his long wings at his back before shrugging on his trench coat. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that? That was a cold kill Raziel."

"Why did you send Galen after me?" Raz growled. "This was my mission. I didn't need your interference! I was handling it!"

"Handling it? Is that what you call kissing the target?"

"What!" Raz exclaimed. "How do you know about that?" Had Theron been spying on him this entire time?

"You've been soft with the siren since the beginning," Theron said, folding his arms at his chest. "I thought because you were impervious, you'd be good for the mission. Instead, you're here getting seduced by the target and killing Redeemers."

Raz had nothing to say to that.

All of it was true yet for the first time in Selene's life - probably - she had seduced someone entirely by accident. It wasn't her fault Raz's heart started hammering when he learnt she hadn't left him alone and bleeding. Most people would probably take that as a given. Not Raziel. He was on cloud nine.

"Wait - Why are you here?" Theron narrowed his eyes, gesturing to the New York skyline.

"I was taken here."

"By who?" Theron demanded.

"Selene and her friends. Uh - Some witch called Kali."

"Kali?" Theron repeated, rearing his head back. "I can't believe she'd be so stupid to go behind my back."

"What?" Raz shouted. Kali was playing for both sides! That wasn't something he had seen coming. Theron didn't like using the services of witches he didn't know well enough.

"I paid exorbitantly for her to make me a toxin. For Galen's dagger, in case you became uncooperative - which you did - so I was right. Your behaviour as of late is alarming."

"You poisoned me?" Raz didn't fully believe Theron would ever cause him harm. At least permanent harm.

"Calm down, it was only meant to stun you for a few hours."

"Not cool Ther!" Raz gritted out.

"Do you really think I would betray you? I only meant to have you down for a few hours while we take the siren and bring you home." Theron scoffed. "You're the one who's switching sides, it seems."

"I'm not switching sides. This is my mission and you shouldn't have interfered."

"What am I meant to think? You're losing your grip. Why would you kill your kind to save a thankless siren?" Theron asked rather calmly.

In fact, he had been calm about the whole ordeal. Although Theron was hardly ever fazed, this should have been one of the things to bring out his ire. Raz had committed a serious crime in killing a Redeemer to save Selene. There wasn't a reason for Theron not to be raining hell down upon him.

Especially since Raz wasn't even a full Redeemer.

A suspicious thought sneaked into Raz's mind.

"Did you know?" He asked.

Theron raised his eyebrows, "Know what?"

"Did you know when you assigned me? That she was my mate?" Raz said. "Is this some kind of test to prove my loyalty?" He wouldn't put it past Theron... He always had to be twice as good to prove himself to Theron because of his human heritage.

"Have you gone insane? I am taking you off this mission right now!" Theron barked, finally becoming fazed. "How could you feel anything for that piece of -"

"I'd be careful with what I said next if I were you..." Raz said softly.

Theron shook his head in disbelief. He stepped back and paced the length around the beech tree. Once. Twice. He stopped abruptly, turning to Theron, " I never thought you'd actually want her!"

"You knew!"

How could Theron have sent Raz to capture his mate and have to bring her back for trial as a prisoner? It was against their nature to harm their mate in any way. Yet Raz had captured Selene, mocked her and put her in danger.

"I had an inkling. Since you were impervious to her song." Theron admitted. "But how could you feel for her? She's a siren!"

"Why would she help me, bring me here when she could have run, if she didn't feel anything for me?"

Theron as always ignored what he didn't want to hear. Instead, he murmured, "And why would Kali help her? What is she getting out of it? The witch must know something - she's scheming something big to risk having me as her enemy."

"Did you listen to what I said? She's my mate! I'm not helping you in your dumb mission and you'd better not send anyone after her!"

"You would turn against me, turn against Redeemers? For her? After all, I've done for you." Theron said, stepping closer. "Rescued you from that miserable place, housed you, fed you, trained you, gave you purpose. Immortality."

Raz sighed, his chest heavy with the burden of gratitude. Theron had saved Raz from his old life expecting nothing in return when he appeared at the abandoned apartment Raz had been squatting in.

He could still remember the day Theron came into his apartment.


Hey guys, so I wrote a really long chapter this week. I originally intended it to be shorter but you know, things got pretty out of control. So I broke it up into two parts but since I already wrote it, I thought I'd share both of them this week instead of one.

Also, me rewriting the first couple chapters is going terribly so my failure in that department motivated me to write so much in this chapter. 

As always, vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Every time I get a notification I do a very sad mini dance. Do it for the only exercise I get. 

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