Chapter 1

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I nervously padded around the house organising all of my things for my first day at my new job tomorrow.

The last six months had been tough for me; learning that my boyfriend of ten years really wasn't who I wanted him to be.

After years of turmoil and ups and downs, amazing highs and painful lows, I had finally forced myself to end it after he cheated on me.

Oh god it still hurt. I still felt sick thinking of it. I shook off the faint feeling of anxiety and upset that was creeping in and shut down the thought. Liam was no good for me anymore. I would have grown out of him anyway, I tried to convince myself.

I stared at myself in my big mirror on my sliding wardrobes. I could do this. I could start again.

Leaving my job of two and a half years; where I was comfortable was a step that I had to take for myself. Liam was unable to let me go; turning up most days emotional or angry causing scenes and it was causing people to gossip; it wasn't doing my mental well-being any good and it was time to move on. So far I hadn't heard from him in a month. I didn't know if I was relieved or if I hated it.

I started to dry my hair as I pondered what this new company would bring into my life. It was a twenty minute drive from my house and I had interviewed with one of the directors Derek Lloyd and the sales consultant Susan Murphy. They were pleasant enough. My role was to oversee all of the cargo coming into the UK. I smiled when I thought of the new opportunity and significantly heavier salary. This company was family sized (in Liverpool where we lived) - about fifteen employees and I had a feeling this would be the fresh start I needed.

I brushed my hair as I reassured myself that I had done the right thing and that I needed to move on and escape the things in my life that were negative.

'Wanna cup of tea Han?' I heard from outside of my bedroom door.

'Yeah go on thanks'. I smiled.

That was my sister Mollie, she was a year older than me and we were best friends. We even bought this house together six months ago, coinciding with the break up. Liam and I had saved to buy it for our first home together but Mollie stepped in once I cemented the end of our relationship. The thought saddened me. I shook it off.

At twenty five, Mollie was an inch taller than me, had big green eyes a dainty nose and medium sized lips with a smile that girls were jealous of. Her hair was dark brown and long and thick. She was extremely attractive and had attention from men constantly, her confidence although strong was laced with a vulnerability of wonder if she was good enough. Only I knew this side to her.

I was almost identical looking to my sister but my features were slightly stronger and my hair was dyed blonde. I had the same long legs, slim frame and facial features. I was more confident in nature but less vain and girly. Although I knew I was conventionally attractive I had been so seriously involved and obsessed with Liam since I was just shy of fifteen that I hadn't much else experience with other men. The thought of it devastated me. I knew I wasn't over him and wondered if I would ever be.

Would I ever find that earth shattering connection with another? I was realistic but pondered if anybody else would know me the way he knew me. Fully. Half of me realised that he used my kind nature against me, that he played on my tendency to feel sorry for him when he'd done wrong and that he exploited the love I gave to him for his own selfish reasons.

'Here you go'. Mollie handed me my favourite mug, round and white with black dots on.

'Thank you'. I turned the hairdryer off and sipped on my tea. Mollie smiled at me and lingered by the door.

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