My Minecraft Boat is Big Enough for 2

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I got tagged by Sofia_SHSL_Artist

1. You must post the rules
2. You must say 13 things about yourself
3. If you don't respond within a week, the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment
4. You have to tag/nominate 15 people
5. The chapter has to have a creative name

Things about us:
1. Lily got a tongue piercing because she got mad at our mom for taking her computer.

2. I am a huge gamer nerd.

3. When Mari learned I had a girlfriend, she threatened to toss her in a shark tank if she ever hurt me.

4. Isabel and Mari got our entire lineage banned from a summer camp.

5. Lily once tried to eat a stapler so she could be like Jason Grace

6. Isabel met someone with almost the exact same name when she went to boarding school in America and now they're best friends.

7. Mari called her English teacher a 'slimy seaward leper', and the teacher loved it so much she told the story to all the teachers.

8. When I was little I got a dare to jump off the second floor in the museum, and I landed on a tour guide.

9. Sometimes Lily pretends we're with her when she gets lonely in her room.

10. Mari, who only knew a bit of English, and had a French accent, was genuinely astonished when she found out she was adopted.

11. Isabel tried to hack into the government archives because she saw it in a movie, but failed miserably because she knows nothing about hacking.

12. Isabel went on a date with her friend Isabel from America (movies, library, dinner at fancy restaurant, walk in the park, Isabel<American> gave Isabel her jacket when she got cold!) and neither of them realised!

13. My brother convinced me that I was a government experiment, and I believed it for a whole month.

(If you want)

^i think that's 15

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