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A small click was heard as the glass door was unlocked and a man stepped inside, yawning slightly. Making sure that the board hanging around the door displayed the closed sign, he promptly shut the door behind him to escape the early morning chill.

Humming softly to himself, the white-haired man reached for the light switch, flicking it upwards and illuminating the small store with a warm orange glow, then moving to turn the heater on, allowing for a cosy atmosphere to settle in.  He then moved to drop his keys in the drawer behind the counter, before noticing a neatly wrapped package placed inside. Picking up the reading glasses which he had left at work the night before, haphazardly hanging on the cash register, Mafu pushed the frame up on the bridge of his nose before examining the small parcel.

Untying the string and unravelling the brown paper that was securing it, he let out an excited little squeal at what it had contained.

A stack of leather-bound books, with golden writing on the front cover, and an intricate drawing on each book. Running his hand over the slightly worn leather, Mafu couldn't stop his smile.

They were the copies of fairy tales he had been attempting to locate for weeks, due to a request of a young girl who had approached him shyly, asking if he sold any of her favourite stories about magical worlds, dragons and danger. Recognising the books from his childhood and not wanting to disappoint, he had promised her he would find these books so that she could enjoy them as much as he had. He had been frantically trying to find somewhere to order them for months, but it seemed someone had already beat him to it. And he knew without a doubt who that would be.

As he examined the collection of stories, the albino noticed a small card attached to the cover of one of them, familiar handwriting scrawled over the little note.

Picking it up, Mafu's smile grew as he read the card.

"I know you've been stressing out about these books so I found an acquaintance who had a copy of the collection. I stopped by this morning to drop it off but I'll come back to visit soon.

Love you :)"

Reading the little card, Mafu flipped it over to see a little doodle of his store's mascot, a little teru teru bozu doll that he had hanging in front of his store on the glass display. Giggling at the drawing, he carefully tucked the card into his pocket before picking up his beloved stack of books.

His morning mood already improving exponentially, Mafu sang softly to himself as he pulled out his small wooden stepladder, rolling it down the little aisle where he kept fairy tales, beginning to carefully move books around so that he could slide the new books into a little corner of the shelf, lower than the others so that it was perfect eye level for the girl that had requested them to begin with.

Slotting the last book in, the albino grinned in satisfaction, bursting with excitement to see his customer's face once she saw the new additions. He then grabbed his stepladder, skipping around the store, making sure that everything was in place, adjusting the beanbags and cushions he had recently bought for the customers who occasionally came by to read and relax, before sorting through each shelf, ensuring that every book was perfectly in place, a smile on his face as he did what others would call a dull chore.

It may be boring or a pain to others due to the hours or the mundane tasks, but Mafu found the opening and closing his little store to be the best part of the day. It was peaceful and warm, with just himself and his books, appreciating the comfortable silence.

Well, there was one other reason too.

As the albino was reorganising a few dictionaries and textbooks, a small bell chime came from the door, footsteps being heard as someone had entered the store.

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