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It was calm tonight.

An occasional breeze would sway and rustle the trees, masking his pattering footsteps as he dashed through the forest, focused on his target.

The moonlight slipped through the leaves in a futile effort to guide the way, but the fireflies, supportive as ever, had gathered together, cheering him on as he crept closer and closer to the intruders, his nose already sensing the disgusting smell of cigarettes and gunpowder.

They had been causing trouble for far too long, and while he was usually a tolerant guardian for the occasional human visitor they hosted, enough was enough.

His ears twitched as he heard the sound of their coarse laughter, the scratchy sound echoing through the woods and disturbing the serene quiet of its natural state.

Glaring silently, the albino peeked behind the bush, watching as they prepared their guns, the forest floor a mess of litter and bullet casings.

They needed to be gone for good, before he lost another friend in his own home. He had a myriad of options available, but he had to decide carefully on how much he should reveal, as well as how far he could go to ensure those monsters never returned. Just thinking about how they treated the poor trees and the animals was making his blood boil. Subconsciously, a growl escaped his throat, turning heads immediately towards his semi-hidden location.

Ah. He was never that great with self control, but the situation was becoming more risky.

"Hey! Did you hear that?"

"Sounds like we've got a fox in these woods!"

"Would make a real nice mantelpiece wouldn't it? Could do something nice with the tail too!"

They all sniggered, beginning to head towards the source of the noise, guns drawn.

The closer they got, the more clearly he could see their twisted faces, capable of uttering such disgusting words. It was too late to be calm and collected now.

The comments only made his growls louder as he slowly emerged from the foliage, tails swishing out menacingly. He could barely hear the clicks of their guns reloading as a faint red aura surrounded him and his fox form slowly faded, barely a thought going into which curse he should lay on them, as long as they suffered.

However, this did not deter the group, as their menacing sneers turned into a manic glee at the realisation that their target was no ordinary fox. As he finally shifted, the sight of the rare creature in front of them had only evoked a dangerous glint in their eyes, the barrel of multiple guns aimed at his head. And before he could even blink,


A frighteningly loud sound resonated through as Mafu saw a silver fragment hurtling towards him, snapping him out of the rage-filled trance he was in.

But the cold bullet did not hit him.

Instead, he felt arms wrapping around his waist, a dark tail flicking behind them before they were whisked away from the danger, now looming over the small group of perpetrators.

"Leave. Now."

A deep voice commanded as darkness slowly seeped through the forest, the trees above swaying to hide the slivers of moonlight and the fireflies floating away from the scene, knowing full well the results of staying to watch.

The warm summer air had turned cold as more light disappeared from the area, with the kitsune leering down at the frozen pack of hunters, his dark tails swishing out making him look even bigger and more menacing.

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