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Running his hand over the soft grass beside him, Mafumafu sighed in content as sunlight streamed onto his face, providing a warm, sleepy atmosphere.

"This is nice, isn't it Sorarun?" The albino looked up at the boy beside him with a grin, which Soraru happily reciprocated.

"Mm. But stop looking at me so much, dummy. You'll never be able to find a shape at this rate." Soraru teased, pointing up at the wispy puffs of white drifting across the blue sky. Hugging his knees to his chest, the older male laughed softly as his friend stuck his tongue out at him, now focussed on proving him wrong.

"Ok, fine! That one... Looks like a cat!" The albino gestured towards a blob-shaped cloud above them, attempting to justify his claim by tracing a lopsided tail and ears to Soraru's confused amusement.

"...Sure, if you say so."

"Oi! At least try and sound a tiny bit convinced!" Mafu whined, propping himself off the grass to pout at the older male. It was just the smallest of movements, but Soraru couldn't help but smile, his heart skipping a beat every time the albino looked his way.

He always looked so happy to see him, whether it be a silly grin as they laughed and teased each other on summer days like these, or tiny little smiles as they whispered secrets to each other in the dark throughout countless sleepovers. He had the prettiest red eyes, lighting up and sparkling with excitement whenever he enthusiastically told stories or rambled about his interests. Soraru almost forgot to listen at times due to how captivating those eyes were.

Truly, he was lucky to have such an amazing best friend in his life. Soraru was always the closed off and quiet type, not too concerned about what occurred around him or about others. But upon meeting the albino, something had changed for him. Life appeared much brighter. Soraru laughed more, smiled more, and cared more. Maybe it didn't appear noticeable or seem to be much to others, but to Mafumafu, it was everything. And to Soraru, he was everything.

"...Soraruun! Soraru-san! Hey! Are you even listening or have you fallen asleep already!"

"Mm? Sorry, what?"

Puffing his cheeks up, Mafumafu pouted before repeating his unheard statement.

"I asked you if I could stay over tonight! C'mon, let's go back and ask my parents!" The albino began to rise from his little bed of grass, though he was momentarily stopped by the older male.

"Hey, slow down, Mafu. You've got grass all over your hair." He frowned, gesturing Mafumafu to come closer and carefully brushing the intrusive green blades out of his fluffy mop of hair. As he threaded his fingers through however, he noticed a few small yellow flowers clinging onto the albino. Smiling softly, the older male's hand hovered over them before moving on, not uttering a word.

Moving back, Soraru nodded approvingly, the rays of sunlight shining down to cast a glow on Mafumafu's smiling face, the flowers only adding to the radiance he had.

Giggling, the albino thanked him before jumping back up and beginning to follow the path back home, sending the remaining stubborn bits of grass floating back to the ground.

Soraru smiled as he looked next to him at the grassy spot where the albino lay, still in a dented silhouette of him. It was almost as if he could still feel his bubbly and contagious happiness just from seeing his presence.

Still frozen in place on the little hill, the older male was simply in awe of his friend, for all the kindness and positivity he would offer to the world. He wanted to tell him how much he meant to him, to say every little thing that Mafumafu did that filled him up with such joy.

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