The Catboy Chronicles: Vol. 4

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There were many facts Mafu found comfort in.

As someone with a condition as rare as his, with ailments and quirks still yet to be discovered, difficulties in adjusting to life were unfortunately inevitable. But, he had learnt to appreciate the stability and certainty of specific things in his life.

And whenever he felt down, he would always come back to appreciate these things, whether it be reminding himself mentally, or writing it out as a memento.

He supposed today was one of those days, as he brought pen to paper.

Fact number one:
He was allowed to make cute clothes for a living!

He loved making flowy dresses and intricately designed skirts among other items of clothing, with those that didn't go directly into his collection being sold, gifted or donated.

Even the act of designing and creating the clothes themselves was a fun experience, something which he wouldn't trade for the world.

Every new medium he'd learn was always a fun experience, whether it be knitting, crocheting or sewing.

The added bonus of his clothes being perfectly fitted to his tail and ears, as well as being exactly to his liking was extremely appreciated as well, and to see that same appreciation from others who wore his creations was an amazing feeling.

There was always a sense of pride when he would see Soraru lazing around at home with one of his sweaters on, or when he'd see him off in the morning, only to realise as he watched him leave that the sleeve of his undershirt was one of his own creations.

There truly was nothing better than being able to put on a sweater or a skirt and feel it hug his body in the comfiest way possible, and every little improvement he's made since the start of honing the skill had only made him feel better, whether it be the sensation of wearing it, or the compliments he would get from others (especially his boyfriend).

Fact number two:

He loved his cat features! While it could be difficult to navigate himself sometimes, he never resented his ears or tail one bit. It gave him an extra bit of expressiveness, with the ability to purr being especially useful when he wanted to show his love and appreciation for his boyfriend.

The additional mobility didn't hurt either, as he could quite easily smack Soraru with his tail if he was feeling bored, always giving him a kick of amusement.

(Being scratched behind the ears was certainly a bonus too...)

Fact number three:
He had a super cosy, cat-friendly home!

While this seemed like something quite easy to come by, he was still grateful that he was able to live with relative ease, with even enough space to have his very own studio, decorated to his liking. The apartment was just roomy enough for two people, with plenty of sunlight streaming in for him to bask in during the afternoon, and optimal spaces for when he needed a nap.

The neighbours weren't too bothered by him on the rare occasion that he forgot to hide his tail and ears when leaving the apartment to collect mail or take out the trash, and he was able to use his slightly noisier sewing machines into the night with no complaints about noise.

Which reminds him!

Fact number four:

His daily routine was perfectly created just for him!

He had always enjoyed structure and a consistent routine, so the fact that he could live in a way that seldom changed was a blessing in itself.

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