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"Oh, thank you! It looks great!" The woman smiled, taking the bouquet carefully into her arms.

"No problem. I hope your wife approves as well! Have a nice day!" The dark haired man returned the polite smile, waving to the customer as she exited the store, pushing the glass door open with a small bell signalling her leave. Clearing his workbench, Soraru was about to sit back down to work on his next commissioned bouquet, until he heard a soft voice approaching accompanied by a tapping noise.

"Ah, sorry miss, could you hold the door for me?"

Eyes lighting up, Soraru quickly made his way to the entrance to see the familiar sight of an albino, who was thanking the customer profusely before entering his little shop.

He then stood directly in place at the front of the door, using his cane to tap around the room for a few seconds confusedly before puffing out his cheeks and pouting.


He then propped the cane he was carrying against the wall before holding his arms out expectantly towards the counter.

"Sora?" Ah, he only used that name when he wanted attention.

Grinning, Soraru quickly wrapped his arms around his husband, lifting him upwards and waiting for him to cling on tight. Securing his body with one hand, his other arm snaked around his back towards the door, flipping the little card to display the closed sign. He then carried the albino in his arms towards the breakroom at the back of the store, sitting down on an armchair with Mafu perched on his lap.

"You changed the layout of the store again... It's gonna take me ages to get used to it!" The albino complained while rubbing his face into Soraru's hair.

"Sorry darling, we've had more customers recently so I had to move things around for extra space. But now, that means you should visit more so you can get used to navigating it again."

"You're so mean! You know that I'm busy! Plus, I don't want to bother you at work... You always have to stop running the store whenever I come just to take care of me..."

"You say that like it's an inconvenience to me. I get to take a break, and  I get to be with you. I'd take you to work every day if I could, you know." Soraru poked the albino's cheek lightly, making him whine and attempt to squirm away from his hand.

"You'd probably get way too distracted to work if I did that! I've got my own work to do as well!" Mafu reprimanded, flicking Soraru's forehead.

"Ah, that reminds me, how did your meeting go? Did travelling go smoothly?"

"Mhm! Ama-chan came over just a bit after you left and drove me to the meeting! He helped me back home, but I walked to you afterwards! And... Guess what, guess what?" Mafu exclaimed, shaking his husband's shoulders in excitement, smiling wide at the reminder of his meeting's outcome.

"Mm? What happened darling?" Soraru laughed softly at the albino's excited behaviour, holding him gently and bracing his body to prevent him from falling.

"I... I made a deal! They're going to buy my painting collection!" Mafu's voice went to a higher pitch as he shared his news, practically beaming with joy.

"Ah, congratulations honey! Which set was it?" Soraru asked, kissing his cheeks with an uncontrollable grin on his face,  unmeasurable amounts of pride for his husband showing.

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