Feathers Across the Seasons

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if you couldnt tell then yeah, its based on shikiori no hane and I will now apologise in advanced for the quality of the writing 

also sorry for just writing this in general, uh yeah enjoy

"Are you cold, dear?" A voice whispered from above, Mafu nuzzling into the warm hand stroking his hair. The albino shook his head, an obvious lie, as he continued to bury himself further into the older male's embrace. Soraru knew full well that he was lying, but hummed in response regardless, eyes shifting to the broken window of their house to watch the intense blizzard rage on outside. Small fragments of snow were beginning to collect in a pile as it drifted through their window, the older male shivering at the sight. Deciding that there was nothing he could do about it but worry about the manner, a rather pointless thing to do at the moment, he averted his gaze back on his husband, shifting slightly closer to the almost pitiful fire in front of them in order to warm up the albino curled up on his lap.

It was a rather depressing sight, to say the least, but after suffering many hardships beforehand at the mercy of the weather, they were not the type to give up hope at the slightest sign of any danger.

"Hm... You know Mafu, we met on a day like this too... Remember?" The older male attempted to lighten the mood, a reminder of the fateful day flashing through his mind as the wind picked up in strength, the howling sound intensifying greatly.

"Of course I remember! I remember you being the biggest idiot in the world! No one should've been wandering outside in that weather, and still, there you were!" Mafu pouted, lightly punching Soraru's chest, the older male laughing softly in response.

"I had to! I saw you, and you were so cold and pale, you were trapped, and your wings were injured. I couldn't just leave you out there. You know, you looked like an angel when you were out in the snow..."

"But still! You shouldn't have been so reckless. We could've met under better circumstances..." Mafu sighed, frowning at the dimming fire in front of them, the flickering flames occasionally producing a small burst of warmth.

"And we did. You still came back to me after you flew away, didn't you? But if I didn't keep going, then I would never have found you. I'd walk through a thousand snowstorms for you." The dark haired man pointed out, tilting the albino's head up to kiss him gently.

"Were you surprised to see me in human form? It scared away a lot of people before..." Mafu mumbled, pulling his long sleeves up, still resembling the wings of the crane that he once was.

"I recognised you instantly. Your had the same look in your eyes as that night, I knew it immediately.  I don't see why anyone would be afraid of you though... You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen." The older male smiled, reminiscing at the sight of the albino knocking on his door all those years ago, a bright smile on his face as he finally found the man he would call his husband.

"You flatter me... But, you're not doing anything stupid like wandering into snowstorms again, okay?" The younger man gripped onto Soraru's arm tightly, lifting up his hand and leaving a small peck on it.

"I don't know, dear... The fire is dying out a bit, and there's some snow coming in that I should really be sweeping away..." Soraru teased, looking to prompt a reaction out of his husband.

"Soraru-san!" He cried out immediately, taking the older male's arms and wrapping them around his body, making sure that the embrace would not be broken, no matter what.

"I'm only joking... I'm not letting you leave my sight, dear." Soraru laughed softly at Mafu's reaction, tightening his hug as a reassurance to the albino that he would not be going anywhere.

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