Fifth Fuyuki Grail War Master Profile Six: Brady

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Name: Brady Azur von Treche

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: High School Student(Homurahara Academy)/Mage in Training/Clock Tower Student- Department of Modern Magecraft Theory


Personality: Contrary to the status of his family in the Mage's Association, he is often mistaken as a thug, probably due to his meaning face and boorish speaking patterns

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Personality: Contrary to the status of his family in the Mage's Association, he is often mistaken as a thug, probably due to his meaning face and boorish speaking patterns. He is generally rude at first, coming off as aggressive and hostile. Though deep down, he's extremely sensitive, vulnerable, and emotional. The toughness is a way to hide his true feelings, though he'll easily discard that rough exterior in certain situations. Skilled at the violin. He is somewhat capable of speaking in a proper speech pattern, but it frustrates him and he gives it up quickly- he only uses it when speaking to his father

Bio: The legitimate son of Libra Riviera von Treche and the half-brother of Morgen. Unknown what generation mage he is, but he inherited his father's extraordinary magic circuits. Excels in magic in the flowing and transferring of power category, alchemy, and elemental magecraft. Posses an affinity to all five elements

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