Greater Grail War of the Fourth Fuyuki Grail War Master Profile Four: Tiki

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Name: Tiki

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Occupation: Clock Tower Mage- Department of Modern Magecraft Theory


Personality: Old-fashioned, speaks like she just came out of the early 1800s

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Personality: Old-fashioned, speaks like she just came out of the early 1800s. Seems very calm and serene on the surface, but when she begins to talk about people she used to know, she refers to them by strange childlike nicknames. Always says it's better to go through the loss of a relationship than to never have had that relationship at all.

Bio: A strange young woman who just appeared at the Clock Tower one day. Likes taking naps and performing spells that make people smile. Excels in mental interference magecraft and the flowing and transferring of power. Possesses an affinity to water and wind.

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