Lesser Grail War of the Fourth Fuyuki Grail War Servant Profile Four: Caster

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True Name: Henry von Einzbern

Class: Caster

Apparent Age: about 23

Gender: Male


1. Independent Action- is able to remain independent even when there is no mana supply coming from his master. Would still need a master's support for use of his noble phantasms-not the anti-unit weapons but he would need Ricken's support for his anti-world noble phantasms. Can remain for up to a week without his master

Rank: A+

2. Item Construction- the skill to make items ranging from tools for war to everyday use items. Henry's use of this skill is limited to items that he kept in his workshop when he was alive- ranges from dark magic items to normal items such as furniture

Rank: A+

3. Territory Creation- the skill to build a terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a mage. Henry manifests the castle he lived in and used as a workshop in his previous life, completely outfitted with all the faculties that he could require, including but not limited to, a curse experimentation lab and even a whole dining hall

Rank: A+

Noble Phantasms:


Name: Special Delivery

Type: Anti-World

Rank: A++

Rains curses down on the entire population, though they truly only have really bad effects on servants and mages


Name: Caduceus Knife

Type: Anti-Unit

Rank: EX+

The knife Henry used to kill himself in his previous life and where most of his mana ended up being stored. Sucks all the mana out of whatever he stabs with it. The rank is high because of that fact


Name: Ruin and Waste

Type: Anti-Unit

Rank: A+

A combination tome from two magics that Henry developed during his lifetime. Clouds of cursed darkness will surround the target and engulf the target in their cold, killing the target instantly


Modern Garb-

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Modern Garb-

Personality: Approaches every situation with a constant and yet somehow eerily cheerful expression, he's an unorthodox dark mage who has a bright enthusiasm towards bloodshed and death that contradicts with the usual gloomy nature of the art

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Personality: Approaches every situation with a constant and yet somehow eerily cheerful expression, he's an unorthodox dark mage who has a bright enthusiasm towards bloodshed and death that contradicts with the usual gloomy nature of the art. Prone to fits of laughter and happiness whenever carnage or death is involved. He does not fear death as a result. He is incredibly amoral, only agreeing to participate in the grail war on his own whims and doesn't seem to have any true goal. Doesn't see any issue with sacrificing innocents as first but after his master explains why he can't do that, he amends his ways. While he will obey his master in most situations, he will ignore any order that he finds stupid. He's not evil at heart, just badly adjusted. A jokester who makes puns and dark jokes at other people's expense. Takes life in a carefree manner and hardly ever gets serious, sometimes even making jokes in situations where he clearly shouldn't. Has difficulty expressing his emotions properly. His natural smile is his own way of coping with the world, he thinks if he smiles that then he won't feel bad and he doesn't like dwelling on sad things. He cares about people in his own twisted way and would avenge his master if he was ever killed. Does truly desire to help people and make them feel better, even if it's only in his own special way. Despite his cheery and fearless nature, he is afraid of being abandoned by his master due to how his parents treated him as just a test subject when he was a child

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