Lesser Grail War of the Fourth Fuyuki Grail War Master Profile Two: Miriel

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Name: Miriel Lynch von Liberson

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Occupation: Clock Tower Mage- Department of Mineralogy


Personality: A perfectionist who can't stand seeing even one book out of place

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Personality: A perfectionist who can't stand seeing even one book out of place. Harsh when yelling at people who behave thoughtlessly. The embodiment of efficiency, she keeps track of everything in the Department of Mineralogy, making sure it's up to her code. Efficient enough to keep all of her many possessions in order, even though there are so many of them. An intellectual individual with a vast vocabulary full of eloquent language, that more often than not, leaves most of the people confused or in extreme circumstances, annoyed. Tends to be interested only in the theoretical and the discovery of the inner workings of magic. When she's fascinated by something, she won't stop observing it until she learns everything about it. Seems to be lacking in any common sense or social skills.

Bio: The eldest daughter of the von Liberson family. Even though she was their most talented child, they gave their magic crest to her younger brother- which in turn, made her want to enter the Clock Tower and outshine her brother. Excels in mental interference magic and alchemy. Possess an affinity to fire and wind.

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