Fifth Fuyuki Grail War Master Profile One: Nah

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Name: Nah

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Occupation: Junior High Student(Homurahara Academy)/Clock Tower Student- Department of Lore


Personality: Mature for her age and is accustomed to keeping her emotions in check

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Personality: Mature for her age and is accustomed to keeping her emotions in check. Proud of her strange heritage and determined to learn all that she can about said heritage- hence her participation in the Lore department. Her bond with her parents is strained, as they didn't want her to become a mage and she did it anyway without asking them. Despite her maturity, she still has moments of childishness. She can be possessive of people she likes. Dislikes her unusual name and wishes it was more normal 

Bio: A strange young lady whose past is shrouded in mystery. 5th generation mage. Excels in rune magic and magic in the flowing and transferring of power category. Possesses an affinity to wind and water

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