Fifth Fuyuki Grail War Servant Profile Three: Saber

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True Name: Lucina Eisner Ylisse

Class: Saber

Apparent Age: around 17-18

Gender: Female


1. Riding- Can ride any mount or vehicle with impressive skill, other than those of a rank of Phantasmal Beast or Divine Beast. High enough rank that she could've been summoned as a Rider

Rank: A

2. Presence Concealment- Hides one's presence as a servant. Suitable to spying. Rank drops when preparing to attack

Rank: C

Extra Skill: Magic Resistance- Can cancel spells with three or fewer verses cast on her. Difficult to be affected even by high thaumaturgy spells.

Rank: B+

Noble Phantasms:


Name: Parallel Falchion

Type: Anti-Unit

Rank: EX+

Unleashes the full power of her sword


Name: Parallel Binding Shield

Type: Barrier/Anti-Fortress

Rank: A++

Repels all types of magic and grants a boost to all stats. Can be used as a weapon to bust open fortress type Noble Phantasms


Modern Garb-

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Modern Garb-

Personality: A strong and driven woman who wishes to carve her own future instead of following the path that others set out for her

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Personality: A strong and driven woman who wishes to carve her own future instead of following the path that others set out for her. She values her comrades and master deeply and has a strong sense of justice. Dislikes any form of death, even 'noble' ones. Her main motivations come from her love for others. She's willing to do anything it takes to keep her master alive and get him the Holy Grail, even if it means going against her wish for no more needless deaths. Nevertheless, she is extremely obedient to her master despite his young age and puts her trust in his judgements, showing a strong bond with her master. Has a habit of breaking things when practising her sword skills. She never gives herself the credit that is due to her and wonders why she even became a heroic spirit at all. Tries to spend as much time with the people who are close to her because she doesn't know when she is going to have to leave them. Despite her stoic and serious facade, she can be quite childish at times. One of her most bizarre traits is her bad taste in fashion, Morgan and Olivier picked out the outfit that she currently wears when she goes out in the town. Has a rather dry sense of humour and is the least likely to get a joke out of anyone

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