Greater Grail War of the Fourth Fuyuki Grail War Master Profile Five: Frederick

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Name: Frederick von Endersite

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Occupation: Elementary School Teacher/Clock Tower Mage- Department of Archeology


Personality: Serious and no-nonsense

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Personality: Serious and no-nonsense. Naturally sceptic about anything that could harm him- to the point where he's earned the nickname "Frederick the Wary" among fellow Clock Tower mages. Very patient, seeing as he can deal with elementary age kids without getting annoyed. Possess an utter loyalty to the main family of the von Endersites, to a point where it hinges getting really weird. Doesn't seem to understand the concept of relaxing and is almost seen working a lesson plan or drawing up diagrams for magecraft. Afraid of most animals

Bio: The only son of the von Endersite branch family. He doesn't possess a magic crest but his magical circuits are powerful nonetheless. 10th generation mage. Excels in alchemy and material transmutation. Possess an affinity to earth and water. His wish is to become a proper part of the von Endersite family and to not be looked down upon by the main family anymore

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