04 | Sweet like Suga

Start from the beginning

"She'll only be excited if she's a runner, only job that's not borin' as shuck." Jay groaned, throwing himself back down to lie on his cot.

"Nope, this ain't no shucking nightmare, don't matter how much we all wish it was." Hope says as he grabbed the girls hand and strongly pulled her up, knocking her off balance as she stumbled up and out of her cot.

"What was that for?!" Amara exclaimed, taken aback by his forceful actions. "We don't have time for this greenie." He scolded. "Gally won't be happy to know ya were late for your first job, it's clear he don't particularly likes ya... or trusts ya."

Amara let out a sigh, running a hand through her tangled bed hair. "Well thank you for not making me tryout to be a slicer... I'd hate you forever if they made me slaughter a baby lamb or something..." she mumbled tiredly, rubbing the sleep from out of her eyes

"I'd rather not have ya traumatised on your first shucking day, well second day." He chuckled.

"Come on, Zart won't wanna be waitin' around all day for ya to get up, but ya need food first so we gotta hurry up." He ordered before placing his palms on her shoulders and leading her out the room and towards the kitchen. It seemed he enjoyed pushing her around everywhere.

Amara didn't know what it was, how she could trust Hope so much even though they only met for the first time just over a day ago, however everything about him seemed so familiar to her... like an old friend.

"Have fun playin' around in the dirt all day, greenie!" Jay called after her with the amusement clear in his voice. It was obvious to everyone that the boy was excited to take her running, but he'd have to wait for her to grow more accustomed to her new home and all the boys living amongst her.

Amara laughed sarcastically at Jays words, however he did manage to make a small smile appear on the curves of her lips. Hope guided her down the flight of creaky stairs, releasing his hold on her as he held the door open for them as the two stepped out into the fresh morning air of the glade.

Looking around, the sun beamed down on the grassy land. The Wooden structures she now knew, stood out amongst the trees in the glade, as well as the farm with the animals and crops growing - where she'd be working today.

However, her eyes always found themselves drifting to the catastrophically large; stone walls that stood tall around them... closed shut for now. She didn't want to have a confrontation with the Grievers, no, but she did want to discover what may lie beyond those walls.

"Ya excited to be a track-hoe greenie?" Hopes voice cut off Amaras thoughts. The words spilled out of Hopes mouth just confused her, what on earth is a 'track-hoe'?

"A track what now?" She queried to herself mostly, falling into step beside Hope as they make there way over to Jins kitchen.

Amara spotted Chuck sat on his own at a bench outside of the kitchen, just underneath a large; lonesome oak tree, the same bench herself and Jay where situated just yesterday morning. The boy immediately seen her and a large smile broke out on his chubby face as fast as his arm raised so to wave at the girl.

Chuckling to herself at his cuteness, Amara smiles and waves back at the boy before herself and Hope disappeared into the kitchen. The moment they arrived, once again, all the boys seized their eating and looked up at the two, eyes focused on Amara only.

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