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I look at the clock. Five more minutes and it'll be finally over. My feets can't help but move up and down under my desk. Why is it so long? Look at the clock again. Just three minutes. Three little minutes. I begin gather all my stuff on my desk and can't help but look at the clock again.

Then the bell finally rang. I stand up fastly and literally run to my locker to put all of my things and take my bag . I'm about to go out of the school when someone stop me. Felix.

Felix: Why are you in such a hurry?

Me: Oh nothing. Just...have some things to do you know.

Felix: Its been a whole week you're acting weird. Whenever school end you rush I don't know where without waiting for me. In school you're always daydreaming and even at lunch you're either on your phone or in your thoughts. What's wrong with you will you tell me?

Me : Don't worry Felix there's nothing I'm just... a little bit busy these days.

Felix: And you can't even tell me what it is?

Me: ... I'm sorry later I'll tell you okay?

He looks really disappointed but also very sad. I feel really sorry I wish I could tell him but I promised not to. I give him a hug and tells him bye before going on my way.

Hyunjin's in the hospital for a week now and I've been visiting him everyday. We would just sit and talk sometimes his brother would join us with Minho or if the weather was nice we would go for a walk in the garden. I feel like we've become really close. I go to Minho's coffee shop before.

Me: Hi oppa! 

Minho: Haneul! Going to see Hyunjin again?

He smirks while giving me exactly this look : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) which made me laugh

Me: Stop it will you? Give me a little cheesecake instead

Minho: Okay okay... but I'm sure something's going on

I take the little cake and go to the hospital. Even if I still don't like it it isn't as tough as before. I am about to reach Hyunjin's room door when I hear some voices. He's not alone.

I recognize his mother voice. But they seem to fight.

His mom: Hyunjin! This operation is the only way you have!

Hyunjin: Yeah but with like 10% of chances of success. You have like another 90%

His mom: But yet there's chances. You've been all your life like that Hyunjin. Don't you want to have a better life?

Hyunjin: You don't seems to realize that I have way more chances to die than to survive. Or do you want me gone so badly? So that you'll have only a perfect son and not--

A big clac makes me blench. She slapped him. I hear footsteps coming near the door so I hide myself without knowing exactly why. I see his mom walk away with teary eyes. Should I walk in...? Too late Hyunjin already saw me. He quickly dries his tears and try to smile.

Hyunjin: Did you..hear?

Me: Me? Hear what? I don't know what you're talking about.

My reaction made him chuckle a bit.

Hyunjin: You're a really bad liar you know?

I smile but then notice he isn't in hospital clothes.

Me: Your... clothes?

Hyunjin: I can finally be discharged for a bit! Wow you bringed a cake? Thank you!

He takes it from me and look inside the box. I can see how much he tries to be enthusiastic when deep inside he doesn't want to. He puts it on the table and look at me.

Hyunjin: Will you come with me?

Me: Where?

Hyunjin: To do things I've always wanted to but couldn't..

He smiles like a little child with pleading eyes waiting for my answer.

Me: Then... what are we waiting for?

His smile widden when he sees mine as he comes to take my hand and get out of the room.


Secrets || H.HJ [FINISHED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें