열 여섯~ 16

262 17 8

It's English class and I don't even understand what the teacher's talking about nor I want to. I keep rewind and rewind again the scene that happened earlier. I thought my heart broke but this was nothing compared to what happened next.

The P.E class was over so students began coming back with their friends. Felix came eating with a bag of cracks. Even if I had time to dry my tears he looked at me suspiciously.

Felix: What happened to you?

Me: Me? Nothing. Give me some chips instead of talking nonsense.

I try to reach the package but he pulled it away.

Felix: You're hiding something aren't you?

I was about to answer when I saw Hyunjin coming back in class. With Naeun. They were talking and laughing like some lovebirds. Why does it upset me this much? He came to his place and sat only when the teacher came in.

Not even once he looked at me.

But Felix saw it all and looks at me with questioning eyes while I hold myself from crying.

It's my fault after all why did I avoid him?

Teacher : Choi Haneul! What are you thinking about? It's been three times I call you

Me: Nothing miss

Teacher: Then focus will you?

Me: ...sorry

Teacher: So as I was saying it'll be in teams of two with your desk neighbor. I don't want any complaints or changes.

Some students grudge while others are happy.

Does it mean I'll work with Hyunjin? I look at him but he's busy searching for something in his books. I sigh.

Felix: Finally school day is over!! Haneul let's go to the park!

Me: Are you some little child? Sorry but I'll walk by myself today. I have some things to do

Felix: Are you sure you're okay?

Me: Don't worry I just need to go somewhere. See you tomorrow.


I've been walking in the streets for like three hours now with no particular reason. I hate so much the fact that he's always on my mind. I found myself where we last had a real conversation near the river . All memories came back making me feel down again. So stupid. I walk back home by talking small streets to be home faster when two guys block the passage to me.

Guy 1: Hey little cutie why do you look so sad?

Guy2: Should we oppa give back your smile? It's easy just let us do it.

I got afraid. That was really I need right now. My life is becoming a nightmare.

Me: Please leave me alone

Guy2: I think that won't be possible sweety

The first guy approaches me trapping me between the wall and him and I see his hand coming towards me.

I close my eyes tight. Please god let this be a simple nightmare.


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