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As soon as my lips touched his cheek, I knew I did a mistake. I go back and see his widened eyes filled with surprise. I feel my face getting hot so I did the only thing I could think of.

I ran away.

I could hear him call me but I just couldn't face him anymore. The only thing that was in my head was

Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid 

You stupid. He was the only person who wasn't disgusted by you.

You stupid. He was the only to be so sincere and honest with you.

You stupid. You just lost the only person that could've perhaps been here for you.

I sigh, feeling tears rolling on my cheeks. How ironic. I'm crying over some guy I've known for like two days. 

Feels like I'll be good for dramas and ice cream tonight.

* * * 


I look at the time with sleepy eyes that widen fastly. Holy sh*t! I'm gonna be late! I can't get a detention! I have to hurryyy uupppp... where the he'll are my socks?!? Breakfast? Ain't got time for that. I take my bag put on my shoes and sprint to the school before the bell ring. Fortunately, I'm on time.

I go to my locker to put my things when someone stand by my side.

?? : Hey

I look and see..........

........... the guy whom I told the way to class yesterday.

Me: Oh....hello 

??: I'm Felix and you?

Me: Haneul

I'm not in the mood to talk at all. This crazy morning plus what happened yesterday makes me want to break someone's neck.

??: Feliiiixxxxxxx what are you doing here? Oh Haneul.... didn't see you

Won.Der.Ful. That was the only thing I needed now. Nadine.

Naeun: What's with this puffy face of yours?

Me: Look Ms. Perfect I'm not in the mood for you so just shut your f*cking mouth and go find your two dogs to play with.

Every single conversation stops. Everyone's looking at us surprised by the way I answered and anticipating Naeun's reaction. But there isn't any reaction.

Naeun: ...You....

Me: If you're finished then excuse me ain't got time for your childichness.

I go to the roof and mentally slap myself. Perfect Haneul you've just signed your death note. She's gonna make me regret that I was even born. I put my head in my hands and moan.

Clap- Clap- Clap 

Felix's coming smiling and calling his hands.

Me: What are you clapping for? My funeral?

Felix: Wow what was that? I didn't know you were so... aggressive 

Me: I didn't know either.. 

Felix giggle so much while exaggerating all the movements and talking that happened earlier, which makes me laugh with him.

Felix: But I swear that was awesome. I was so done of her yesterday

I smile looking at the sky.

Me: I'm in a big problem now. She's not going to leave me alone.

Felix: Don't worry miss you got me

He punch his chest to show it but finish coughing like crazy while I'm crying from laugh.

All morning classes pass with us talking and laughing on the roof.

For once, I felt good.

He was my first friend. Lee Felix.

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