Inner Joesph

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A/n: play the song when Joseph starts fighting. 😊

Narrative POV
It's been two years after the plane crash and Madara has become even more beautiful.
It seems that she has gotten the attention of boys in their town. There have been rumors of a girl who stayed in the house for most of her life. She had long brown hair, skin fair as the clouds, a body shape of an hourglass, lips plumped as strawberries, and eyes that reflected day and night. Rumor has it is, that you can see her walking through the garden of the Joestar's house. Singing, dancing and picking flowers across the garden. Of course it was just Madara practicing his Charka, Hamon, and her ninja skills. Well, people believe what they want to believe I guess. All the boys in town wanted to know who this Madara girl is. They thought she was the girl the girl of their dreams. One boy in general wanted to see if this rumor was true his name was Ben. Ben was a son of a merchant. He heard the rumors from some boys while traveling to town. He thought it was silly at first, but then he thought if the rumors were true she would be a fine wife. So he went searching for the Joestar house. Little did he know that there would be a little surprise in store for him.


Ben(In head): This is it, the Joestar house. Today is the day I find my perfect wife. Ok so I just need to find the garden then I can......Oh.

Narrative POV
It seems that Ben has found the garden and Madara is also coming out to the garden.

Madara(In head): What a beautiful day.

You can say that again, but it seems that we have a stalker on our hands.

Madara(In head): Oh you mean the boy who's in the garden. Yeah, I sensed him the second I got into the garden.

Then why haven't you killed this man.

Madara(In head): I want to test Joseph. He seems to be shinobi material. Let's see what's your made of Joseph. Now I just need to do is play my role.


Madara is singing...

Ben(In head): This is one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard. I'm sure she is the one, the one I will make my wife.

Somewhere in a Joestar house

Joseph: "I feel a disturbance in the force."

IJ: I too feel it, it's a boy. WE MUST DESTROY HIM!!!!!

Joseph(In head): Roger that IJ.

Back in the garden

Ben(In head): Now how will I find a way to talk to her without looking creepy? I know, I'll just say I'm lost then I'll-

Joseph: "Hello there."

Ben: "Ah!"

Ben(In head): What the, how did he find me? Actually how did he know I was hear?

Joseph: "My sister is beautiful isn't she?"

Ben: "Why yes she."

Joseph(muttering): "The next thing your about to say is I was thinking of making her my wife."

Ben: "I was thinking of making her my wife. Gasp!"

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