just a stranger

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a refresher from all the angsts, courtesy of @lisaluvs



Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


i groan underneath my cashmere CHANEL scarf, autumn being a show-off so early in the morning.

i walk past two blocks from my apartment, now standing on the street corner, my company on the other side. i huff in annoyance, waiting for the sign to go green. gosh, why am i so not in the mood these days?

another groan reached its way out of my mouth, because of some strong cologne...oddly...i think this scent smells familiar...

i turn around disappointed. and amused.

4 inches taller than me, a lady in her teens i presume, a little black GUESS backpack hanged its straps around her shoulders, and the best, or worst part, her unicorn oneshie.

is she a little late on trick or treating? i wanted to ask.

i couldn't help but release a snort, giving me her unwanted attention. i turned my head on the side to see her eyes locked upon me, head tilted to the side, a few hairs feeling the autumn winds. before i knew it, she's on the other side of the street. i huff in annoyance, her eyes still glued to me. i took small steps (blame the stubby feet) but as i did the sign turned red. i groan loudly now, unable to suppress the growing frustration bubbling inside me.

"hey stranger! the CHANEL scarf!" i here someone say. it's obviously me.

i lift my head to see the onesie stranger waving her hands at me, and then shut her eyes close, opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue-

i hate autumn.

the next day, the same thing happened. she'd somehow distract me (was it her riddikulus Harry Potter merchandises she wore or her attempts to dance silly beside me), and then she's on the other side. cue to her antics when the sign turns red yet again.

the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next, and the next. i forgot how to count days since then.

"who are you?" i asked, unable to hide my curiosity any longer.

"just a stranger," she winked behind those round glasses.

"see you, monday!" she saluted. and there i was again, behind the red sign, left bewildered and amused.

the next two months, or less, i'm left outdated, something happened. she was behind me for the first time, and i felt triumphant. finally my stubby feet are being of use! "nope, not happening," she shouted beside me, walking as fast as she could, clutching tightly around her books which rested and bounced against her panting chest, so determined as i am. foggy was her glasses from her heavy breathing, and for a split second i opted to help her with-

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