good morning

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happy valentines day! dedicating this one-shot to my single readers ,,, please listen to New Navy's Heaven to attract more butterflies in your stomach.


"good morning"

she's standing by the kitchen doorway as she takes a bite on the nice and green apple in her hand, trying to hide her smirk.

"how's finals?"

"finally done." i mumble and sat down on the stool. "are there any nutella left?" i ask, not waiting for her answer and rummaged through the drawers for something sweet.

"peanut butter–"


"allergic. i know."

"o...kay?" i stare at her dumbly as she munches on her she's on top of the world. i'd want to ask, but i don't want to sound interested. "you? finals?"

"i am lisa. i still have one left today," she groans at the thought and shoots her finished apple in the bin.

"good luck." i say before biting on my bread and butter. "break a leg." and smile.

"thanks, woman." and she leaves.


"good morning!"

"enthusiastic today, i see" i yawn and stretch my limbs for a moment before i sit on the stool.

"finals are done! of course i should be enthusiastic!" she exclaims and does a little dance in front of the stove. front of the stove?

"aaaaaand for that...voila!" suddenly lisa's a cook and she's offering me this mouthwatering meal. "breakfast!"

i clap my hands excitedly as a form of habit. "they look yummy!" i gasp and almost drooled because of its smell. "i didn't know you cooked"

"i'm a woman of surprises," she shoots me a wink and settles herself across me.

i moan as the cheese and egg soufflé melts in my mouth. the cup hasn't been emptied yet and i'm onto the blueberry scones and fuuuuuu-! it tastes so...OH-! so good.

"so good," i purred before digging into the main course– "you're drooling," i giggled at lisa with her big doe eyes staring at me, "figures. this breakfast is the second best i've had in my whole life!" i exaggerate (a little) and worked my mouth on chewing the food lisa prepared, silently.

"the second?" lisa asked, and i giggle because she sounded hurt. "yes. no one can top mom's!" i almost shout, delivering the information to our flatmates. lisa stares at me and i mouth, "what?" she shakes her head and starts eating.

"but lisa," i start, almost done with my meal. "are you sure you made this? never once i saw you near that stove let alone cook on that stove"

"jennie-ssi," lisa sighs and drops her hands dramatically on the table, "i-" she places her right hand onto her chest, directly on the placement of her heart, "am," she closes her eyes, "a woman of surprises." she exhales deeply like she have just revealed her darkest secret.

i laugh heartily at her antic, embarrassed at how loud i can be. "you're really sure? because this is freaking delicious- you're not lying to me?" lisa scoffs. "you just want my recipes don't you, woman?"

"maybe...or maybe not."


"good morning"

my eyes bulged at seeing lisa mopping on our apartment today. it really is a big shock, considering she rarely cleans the whole apartment which conditioned her to pay 2/3 of our monthly rent. i don't have a problem with her lazy trait because cleaning helps me destress and it is simply therapeutic.

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