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"oh my god"

jennie stops abruptly as soon as she hears her fiancé gasp and curse a few expletives in thai. her hold on her hand tighens in habit as she looks at her, both concerned and confused, checking for any injury or misplacements. she found none. "what is it, lili?" they dismiss the people exiting the gate they were with in the airplane 11 hours ago.

"baby, it's freezing..." jennie mouths an 'O' and rubs her fiancé's back with her hand to spread some heat. lalisa shakes her head, removes jennie's hand, and as the smaller woman was about to retort, lalisa brings jennie's hand in hers and blows on it close to her mouth.

"are you cold?" lalisa asks in her squeaky just-woke-up voice and gives her a little smile. jennie grins and shakes her head. "are you? let's get our luggages soon and wrap you around your cozy coats, okay, my love?" jennie guides them to walk.

"nini...i did...n't...erm-" jennie gives her an encouraging smile to help her communicate better, and lalisa melts instead of solidifying in this weather.

lalisa gently detaches her hand from jennie's and rubs hers together to calm herself down, which jennie thinks, is to warm herself up.

the taller woman clicks her tongue then rubs the back of her neck, unsure of how to tell her fiancé what she did.

"i'll get a trolley. look out for our things." she kisses her cheek and starts walking with her stubby feet.

"thank you," whispered lalisa to nothingness when she found their travel bags without taking too much time and fetched them. she looks behind for any sign of her sweet woman and grins when she sees her. jennie is glowing as she makes her way to the love of her life.

a few minutes after, they decided to drink caffeine and eat sweets in costa coffee before they stay in jennie's home. it's 4 a. m. in the morning in australia, and jisoo wakes up at 5 a. m. so they wait.

"i didn't bring any coat." lisa is pouting with her head hung low. if it wasn't for the ponytail jennie wouldn't have seen how upset lisa was. she leans on the coffee table and clips the untied strands of hair in the shell of lisa's ear and tells her to go on. "nor ear muffs nor gloves nor anything for winter because i forgot we do not have the same geographic location in south korea and australia hence the rotation-"

"you forgot it's winter in june?" jennie coos then flicks lisa's forehead. her fiancé doesn't flinch, instead pouts, knowing she deserved it.

"lisa-ya, i told you a hundred times that it's winter when we get here, i thought you were listening but all you were doing was play with that bro stars! fine then, wear your two-piece. i can live with that."

"sorry." lalisa puckers her lips then drops her upper lip above her lower lip with enough pressure for it to turn back into a pout as she plays with her fingers. "can i borrow your clothes?" she's still pouting.

"you're like, so big, love. you're going to rip my clothes like hulk."

lalisa is still pouting.

"open your mouth," jennie is suddenly sick of the taller's pouting because she knows in any minute she'd give in. lisa obeys with a little prolonged "ah" for uwu effect. jennie shoves a spoonful of red velvet cake inside her mouth. lisa stifles and glares at jennie before fetching her her frappe. lisa pouts as she chews the cake. "yummy."


lalisa is grinning from ear to ear as she tries out jennie's packed clothes from their luggage. she's squealing and jumping, now wearing her fiancé's pajamas: too short for her long legs that ends on her calves, the same goes for jennie's long sleeve that's until her wrist.

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