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"Are you really my guardian angel or what?!" Wang yibo exclaimed.

"And how you can help me, of you don't know where's my body?!" Wang yibo added and rolled his eyes.

"I know what you always do, wang yibo. I'm always at your side." Xiao zhan said with a obviousness disappointed tone of his voice.

Xiao zhan meant the bad things that wang yibo done to the others that making him more disappointed to yibo.

But in Wang yibo's mind, he thought a different one. He suddenly smirked at him and he walked closer to Xiao zhan.

As wang yibo got a closer look of this Angel, he confirmed that this xiao zhan who Happened to be his guardian angel was indeed a breathtaking.

"Even when I'm taking a bath?" Wang yibo said, leaning closer to the Angel who seems not realizing what Wang Yibo was planning to do.

Wang yibo's Guardian Angel, Xiao zhan just stared at Wang Yibo's eyes. He didn't gave any malicious meaning on what wang yibo was doing for he thought its was just normal so he didn't back away from wang yibo.

Xiao zhan answered at him, "Yes."

Wang Yibo's breath hitched, This angel was watching him taking a shower while he was naked?!

I feel molested.

"Watching someone while taking a shower is bad Xiao zhan." Wang yibo whispered, his breath was hitting on Xiao Zhan's face but the angel just ignored it.

"But it was my duty to look over you even you're the most cruel person I ever know." Xiao zhan innocently answered.

Wang yibo backed away and turned his back to xiao zhan and stared at the road where different kind of transportations are passing by.

Is he really a soul?

To confirmed it, wang yibo suddenly ran to the road as the car was approaching. Xiao zhan knew what wang yibo was trying to do and he only watches the human soul in the middle of the road, standing and waiting for the car to hits on him.

But the car only passes on him. He waited again but the other vehicles are only passing on wang Yibo's body without harming him.

If wang yibo wasn't a soul, he may be buried later 6 feet underground.

Wang yibo decided to end his stupidity and went back where his so-called guardian angel standing.

He confirmed that he was already a soul and he need to find his body as soon as possible, he can't stay being a soul for a long time.

Wang yibo suddenly hugged xiao zhan and noticed that the Angel's wings nowhere to be seen on his back.

"Where's your wings?" He said, still hugging the angel.

"I hide it." Xiao zhan answered, innocently hugging back at wang yibo.

Wang yibo hummed in response and felt that xiao zhan hug him back as he smirked to himself.

"I miss my life." Yibo said.

The angel that wang yibo was hugging patted his back and tried to comfort the human soul. He knew, it's not easy for the human to become like this unexpectedly.

Wang yibo also caressed Xiao Zhan's back as his hands slowly travelling down and reached on the Angel's buttocks.

Wang yibo secretly grinned to himself before squishing the Angel's fat buttocks.

Xiao zhan blinked his eyes when he felt someone was squishing his ass, "Wang yibo what are you doing?" He asked innocently.

Wang yibo heard xiao zhan and chuckled, "Nothing, I'm just hugging you." Wang yibo answered.

"Hmm..okay..." Xiao zhan said and let wang yibo squished his buttocks as he thought it was just a part of hugging.

This cute angel was too innocent to be my guardian angel. Wang yibo thought.

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