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Wang yibo watched the time from his watch. 6:19 pm.

He exited the building and went to his car, decided to go home and rest after a long day of working.

It was a long day endeed. Suffers from paperwork, employee issues, office issues, and other things that happened in the company.

Wang yibo released a deep and exhausted breath as soon as he entered inside of his car as he put his hands on the steering wheel after turning on the engine of the car.

He turned the radio on, and a familiar music immediately played from the radio.

~ I know if I saw you and we kissed just once
You could be happy. Maybe you'd come back ~

It's been a while.

Cause I really miss you
Don't know how much more I can take
You've been on my mind
You've been on my mind

Until now, wang yibo still can't believe that he once experienced those kinds of after death things as he just only heard it from the other people.

In fact that even science couldn't explain if heaven and hell really existed because no one ever told a real-life testimony from it.

Wang yibo still believed it, though, but he didn't put it to his heart until what he experienced when he was on the verge of dying.

But there he is now, a multi billionaire person at a young age. He has his own company and can provide his needs and wants, yet behind all of this was sacrificing being parted from the person he once loved.

The person from the other world. Not only a person but an angel. His angel.

Wang yibo gripped the steering wheel tighter when the moment a familiar face he was missing for years right now shows up to his memory.

He really missed him so much.

Wang yibo slowed down his car and parked it from the empty vacant side as he leaned his head down to the steering wheel. He tried to calm his breathing.

He can still remember their moments, how he woke up to the unknown world and first time seeing xiao zhan and knew his name.

It happened too fast. He used to be a bad boy from his high school, and now, he was working for the company. People change, I guess?

He was happy that time. He didn't feel happier from the human world until being with xiao zhan and their journey to look for his missing human body.

He can still remember how he needs to go back to his body, so it means he needs to say goodbye to xiao zhan. He can't be with him anymore.

Why does he need to let him go?


And I'll be in denial for at least a little while
What about the plans we made?

Wag yibo immediately sat up straight and glared at the radio from his car.

"I hate you." He cursed under his breath.

'Cause that's what happens when you fall in love ~

Oh damn, who hurt Billie Eilish to hurt him back like this.

Wang yibo felt his eyes burning up as his years were threatening to fall from his eyes, so he immediately changed the music as it played pink venom by blackpink.

His mood suddenly changed as he played more K-pop and hip-hop songs to lift up his mood as he noticed that it was already raining.

Wang yibo sighed and started the engine before driving off to his home.

As the rain went heavy, he slowed his driving and turned down his aircondioner from his car. His phone suddenly rang from his pocket as he fetched it.

"Mom?" He answered.

"Yibo, are you going home today?" His mother said from the other line.

"Yes, I'm on my way." He answered.

"Good, I've already prepared a hot soup for us. We'll wait for you. Take care and drive slowly." His mother said as he smiled, yet it immediately wiped away after he saw the light that blinded to his eyes as a loud crashing sound could be heard around the street.

Wang yibo immediately shot his eyes opened and greeted by a familiar ceiling from his penthouse.

What the hell just happened?!

He tried to catch his breathing as he realized that he was just dreaming.

A bad dream after an exhausting day, good. Just Very Good. Thumbs up.

"Yibo..." A familiar voice spoke up from his side.

Wang yibo immediately turned his head from the side as his eyes widened immediately.

The person who called him smiled.

He can immediately feel his eyes watered because the person whom he misses for a long time was smiling in front of him.

He can't tell if he was dreaming or its reality, but as far as he knew, he couldn't see him in reality.

"W-why are you here?" He asked shakily.

The person sat to his bed beside him. He was still smiling, but he couldn't tell that it was a sweet smile.

Wang yibo immediately sat up from lying down from his bed and hugged the person.

He can even touch him.

"I missed you. I missed you so much. Xiao zhan, I missed you so much..." He whispered.

He felt that xiao zhan hugged him back.

"I'm sorry..." xiao zhan said.

"It's not your fault... thank you because you let me see you just for once..." wang yibo said.

"I can't do anything when your car hits from the truck..." xiao zhan said.

Wang yibo just sighed.

"Zhan, I was high school that time—"

"You supposed to be going home. Eating dinner together with your parents as your mother patiently waits for you because he cooks soup for the dinner... I'm so sorry..."

Everything sinks up to wang yibo immediately as he feels his world crushes remembering the voice of his mother spoke from the other call.

We'll he guessed that this should be the time that he can't be separated with xiao zhan anymore. He needs to join him from the other world.

This is no longer two worlds.

"Yibo, time to go..." xiao zhan said.

Wang yibo, still hugging him as he nodded.

It's just a pity to unexpectedly end like this, hoping to the next life he would be here again but with xiao zhan this time.



st song: pistol by cigarettes after sex

2nd song: TV by Billie Eilish

A/n: The ending kinda sucks anyway, see yah on my other works.

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