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A scream woke me up from my heavy sleep. I tried to open my eyes, to see what was happening, but I could not find the strength to even accomplish this small task.

My body hurt all over, as if someone had used me as a punching bag. I groaned, trying once again to open my eyes.

Another scream could be heard and I strained my ears to hear anything that would help me figure out what was going on.

My wolf whimpered in my mind and I tried to soothe her, but giving that I had no idea where I was or what had happened to me my consolation try was fruitless.

"You promised!", I heard a female voice shout and instantly I could match this voice to Faith.


Just with her name the memories of our last conversation played in front of my eyes. That was enough of a shock to finally manage to open my eyes and when they had adjusted to the dim light I was met with disturbingly familiar walls.

Instantly my heart started to beat faster in my chest and I could already see black dots appearing in my vision. My breathing had become laboured as well, because just seeing the brick walls of my father's basement caused an instant rise of a panic attack.

No this had to be nightmare! I had just been in the arms of my mate, safe.

Where was Nathan now?

I tried to mindlink him, but there was some kind of barrier.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt her!", Faith's voice shrieked just as I felt a needle prick my skin.

How had I not noticed anyone being next to me? 

However, as I was about to react I discovered that I could not, I could only turn my head, but other than that I was helpless

My eyes instantly locked with the cold black ones of my father's Beta. A sinister smile graced his lips and I shuddered.

Whatever he had just injected would cause me pain I was sure.

I tried to get my breathing under control already feeling like I was hyperventilating, but my efforts were no use when the dose of the needle struck me.

Although I could not move my body from my neck downwards, I was still able to feel the imense pain the injection caused me.

My scream was so loud that for a moment my ears were ringing, but all I could think about was how my father could be this cruel.

His Beta had injected pure silver into my veins. The smell being oddly familiar, but the pain was nevertheless even more intense than I remembered.

My wolf cowered in a corner in my mind and I tried to shield her from the tremendous pain as best as I could.

Other screams joined my own and I could not help but wonder what my father was doing to Faith. However, soon this thought disappeared from my mind as another wave of pain followed.

I had no idea how much silver my body could take, but as the black spots danced across my vision I realized that for now I would live.

Before I blacked out again my last thought was about Nathan and how I wished that he would not feel the pain I was going through.

When I slowly came back to my senses once more I instantly realized that my father was close to me. I had no idea how I could know, because I could still not move my body, but somehow I was aware of the danger that was my father.

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