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"You do know that I actually own clothes, right?", I asked Milena amused as she looked in her closet for something for me to wear.

She nodded her head, but continued her search. "I do, but they're rather..."

Lost for a word to describe my clothes her hazel eyes looked cautiously at me. I giggled at her serious expression, because I was definitely aware that my clothes were not stylish at all. In the Mercy pack there was no reason for fashionable clothes, all they had to be was functional and tear-resistent.

"Old fashioned?", I suggested and Milena smirked at me.

"Sure let's go with that."

My gaze drifted outside Milena's window as I patiently waited for her to find what she was looking for. It had almost been two and a half weeks since I had last seen Silas and although I could feel it in our bond that he was okay, I still worried.

Levin had still not confided in me what Silas' plan was in order "to protect me" as he told me. I had even asked Oliver as I had been sure that mated wolves could not keep a secret from each other. However, he had not even known that Silas had a plan and had made it his mission to find out. If Oliver actually did it as a favour or if he was just annoyed at Levin for not telling him and now wanting to know, I was not sure, but it did not matter. I just had to know what was going on in the Mercy pack.

"Thinking about Silas?", Milena's voice halted me in my thoughts and I smiled sheepishly at her.

"Okay you need to be distracted!", she decided and held a pretty dark beige dress with small white stripes out to me.

"So you're going to put this on and of course you'll look marvelous, because I've got good taste.", she cheekily told me and I smiled softly at her.

To her suprise I pulled her into a tight hug, which I actually did more often these days, and expressed my gratitude.

"You're the best, thank you Milena!"

Her embrace tightened and I was further convinced that expressing one's feelings was actually something that was considered normal in the Crescent Moon pack.

So as Milena ordered I changed into the cute dress and luckily for me she had also given me white converse to wear. Fortunatelly Milena had learnt from my high heels accident.

"In return you have to do something with my hair.", Milena winked at me and enviously stared at my braided plait.

I motioned for her to sit in front of her vanity and started to braid her hair as well.

"How come you're so good at that?", Milena asked me curiously and I tried to not dwell too long on why I had had so much time on my hands to take an interest in my hair.

So I shrugged my shoulders and responded, "I guess I had a lot of time and patience."

Milena nodded her head and out of the blue she suddenly changed the topic completely, "Soo, are you prepared for the mating ceremony for Levin and Oliver tonight."

Levin and Oliver had finally told the pack about them being mates and the answer from them was jubilant. As I had hoped the pack was happy that their Alpha had finally found his mate and whether his mate was male or female did not matter to them at all. Of course the pack was confused as Levin had at first introduced me as his mate, but Lennart had cleared the misunderstanding and with a look in my direction he had explained to the pack that I was actually Nathan's mate. The silence that had fallen over the crowd was deafening and soon I had found myself surrounded with pack members who had wanted to congratulate me. Their reaction had almost caused me to experience another panic attack, but Levin, Milena, Oliver and Levin's parents had helped me to ground myself. 

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