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Shock and confusion were the most dominant emotions I experienced while looking at my twin. There was also anger, because firstly he was the reason I could not go after her and secondly why did he show up now? However, there was also curiosity. Who was he?

However, all of that did not matter, not when my mate just ran away from me. The memory of her eyes afflicted with pain and agony almost brought me to my knees and I knew that I had to find her, make sure she was okay, make her explain to me what had happened to make her this sad so I could make sure that it would never happen again.

I shot my twin a look full of rage, because he was still blocking the way to her and just as I was about to push him out of my way he spoke again.

"I know you want to go after her, but she wants to be alone right now.", the man in front of me said with a voice, which was similiar to my own but a bit higher. I did not know why but just this difference between us soothed me. Also his hair was a bit shorter than mine and his eye colour was a bit lighter than my own.

I shook my head to clear it, because my biggest concern was my mate. I felt the power in my rise, telling me that my wolf was close to the surface, but one look at Max who still stood beside me, told me that I could not let my wolf take over. Not now. So I squeezed my eyes shut and took deep breaths in order to calm myself, but the only thing I could see was her.

"Why did she ran away?", I wanted to know and opened my eyes again. Did she not feel the bond that clearly was between us?

My twin hesitated, but a blond one stepped in for him, "She mistook the situation."

Something about him seemed familiar, blond hair, dark blue eyes, the face structure and then it struck me, he was her brother.

Confused by his words I thought about the situation she had first seen me, but all I could think about was Naja...My eyes widened. To a stranger it had probably looked like she was my girlfriend or wife and when Max had run outside and had wanted to know what I was doing with his mother it had probably sounded like we were a family consisting of father, mother and child.

Feelings of desperation overwhelmed me. Had I already fucked everything up? No! I could not let this happen! So I did something I had never done before, I pleaded with them to help me, "Naja's just my sister and Max my nephew. She's the only one I want. How can I find her? I have to tell her!"

I could feel my wolf wanting to take control and rush after our mate and for a moment I thought about leting him take control.

However, then my twin gently put his hands on my shoulders and strangely my wolf calmed slightly down and I could think clearly again.

"We know and as soon as her mental wall is down again we're going to tell her!", he assured me, but when he saw the confused look on my face, he sighed and continued, "It's best if we go inside and tell you everything from the beginning."

I was torn between giving her space, something my mate needed right now, and putting her out of her misery and therefore putting me out of it too. I observed the three man and one woman in front of me and knew that I could at least take my twin, the other man and the woman. However, I was not sure about her brother as he oozed confidence and strength.

"We came to tell you something important.", my twin interrupted my blood thirsty thoughts.

And finally I realized that all of them were here for me, to tell me something that would probably make me question my whole life. 

"Are you sure she's okay?", I directed my question at her brother as he probably had the deepest connection to my mate. Only when he nodded his head did I slightly relax my posture and tried to convince myself and my enraged wolf that we first had to listen to the reason they had come for.

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