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16 years ago

I could not sleep.

That was nothing out of the ordinary, because I had troubles sleeping. I always had a hard time falling asleep and once asleep I had nightmares - terrible ones. Silas often had to wake me in the middle of the night, because I would not stop screaming. I would lie trembling in his arms, tears running down my cheeks and would not remember a thing about my dream. 

All I knew was that it could not be a coincidence that my sleeping problems had started right after the bird accident. 

However, today no nightmare had plagued me. I woke up, because of loud screaming and for once those cries were not mine.

At first I did not dare to move out of fear, but as several minutes ticked by and nothing happened I mustered all my courage and climbed out of bed.

My heart was almost beating out of my chest, because I knew exactly that I was not allowed to leave my bed in the middle of the night let alone my room.

However, those cries tore at my heart. They were full of agony and dread. I just had to know where they were coming from and if I could help.

If my big brother was here, he would certainy laugh good naturedly at me. How could a little 6 year old girl help someone who seemed to be in a hopeless situation?

Right at this moment I did not care how old I was or what would happen if my parents or any other pack member would catch me outside my room. All that was important right now was to make sure that the person screaming was going to be okay.

Slowly I opened the door of my room and noticed that the hall light was out. I took a deep breath and tried to feel with my wolf senses if anybody was in the hallway, just as Silas had shown me several days ago. 

Nobody was there.

Suddenly I heard the scream again and I hurried towards the staircase. The scream was definitely coming from downstairs.

And then I smelt it. Blood. Lots of it.

I almost gagged at the smell.

Once I had covered my nose, I admonished myself that I could not give up, I had to make sure that everything was alright, although a little voice inside me cautioned me that with the amount of blood I just smelt, anything was going to be okay.

But I was stubborn pushing my wolf senses down the stairs until I could make out loud voices in my father's office.

I could not hear what they were saying and I knew instantly that I had to get closer in order to eavesdrop.

My heart beat a tattoo inside my chest. Slowly I turned around, but I could not sense anybody. I was safe...for now.

I took a deep breath not leting myself think about the consequences that could follow my spying. Something deep inside me demanded that I had to make sure that nothing bad had happened.

Slowly I descended until I could make out the voices inside my father's office.

"You both are a disgrace for the Mercy pack!", my father's harsh voice boomed.

It almost felt as if those words were directed at me and I stumbled backwards.

"But Alpha..", a female voice tried to say sobbingly.

"Shut up!", my father instantly interrupted her and I flinched.

What had they done that had made my father this angry?

Several beats of silence followed where I could only make out two hearts almost beating out of control and one heart that seemed calm.

"I'm going to make an example of you.", my father then stated and I heard something metalic pulled out of something.

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