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Her one pale green eye widened in recognition while her other eye was covered with an eye patch. This had to be Daria.

"Ah the daughter of the Alpha of the Mercy pack.", she sneered at me, her face moving into an expression of disgust.

I flinched at her scornful tone, which did not go unnoticed by her.

Confused she looked at me and tentatively reached for my hand. I could have stopped her, but somehow I was frozen in place.

The second she touched me pure agony and dread consumed me, but in the next second it was gone. I was a trembling mess now, but to my surprise the witch steered me quite strongly with her arm, which was still touching me, to a nearby chair.

Her face had morphed into a guilty expression and she said in a voice deep with sorrow, "I'm really sorry for everything that happened to you, child!" 

My eyes widened, because how could she know about my past, but then I realized that she had probably seen everything that was done to me the moment she had touched me. That would also explain the negative emotions coursing through me all at once. It still felt like I could barely breath.

"Are you Daria the great witch?", I asked in a hoarse voice. Apparently the walk through memory lane had taken its toll on me and I tried to mentally shake myself out of it.

She nodded her head and smiled softly at me, something she had not done for quite some time I could tell.

"Nobody has called me that in years." She seemed buried in thought.

"I've no idea what my father has done to you, but something deep inside me tells me that it must have been horrible." Her pale green eye showed surprise.

"You really are different than them."

I smiled gently at her, because for the first time in my life I could take this observation as a compliment.

"I know it's not enough, but I want to apologize."

Daria sighed and responded, "There's nothing for you to apologize child."

"I...my brother found your...eye and I...."

"You have my eye?", Daria interuppted me and hurried to me.

I nodded my head in confirmation. Why did the smallest actions like nodding feel like draining energy from my body?

"Where is it?", she desperately wanted to know.

"At the Crescent Moon pack. Another witch was just touching it when I suddenly was here.", I tried to explain to her, but my speech seemed slurred.

Daria's eye widened and she said, "Oh no, we have to get you back right now!"

She hurried towards a shelf with lots of bottles and flowers.

I had no idea what she was talking about, but everything seemed to slow down as my body felt more tired than it had ever felt before. But she was our only hope in finding Nathan so I tried to find strength to ask her.

"I know it seems too much to ask, but I need your help to find...", I tried to explain to her and Daria whirled around again.

"Nathan.", she whispered and although I could barely keep my eyes open I somehow found the strength again to open them. Daria knew Nathan.

"Please!", was all I could breath out and something cold touched my forehead.

"Sophia try to remember antyhing you can about this place! You've to return to me, but with my eyeball. Only then will I be able to help you.", her warning rang clearly in my ears.

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