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After my first day here in the Crescent Moon pack I could be certain of two facts.

First of all, this pack was nothing like my old pack, welcoming me with open arms and asking questions about me non-stop. Of course, they were curious because I was their future Luna, but I just knew that they would act the same with anyone else.

At first I was a bit shy and guarded, because I had never experienced such an interest in me. However, Levin's mother Levke made sure I felt right at home. She had been over the moon when she had heard I was Levin's mate and had instantly hugged me. 

Her embrace had felt so much like a mother's that tears had started to gather in my eyes. The meaning of her name, love, could be felt in her every action.

My wolf had howled brokenly in my mind, because we had never experienced such warmth and compassion from anyone except Silas. Was this how a real family felt like?

I had felt overwhelmed and Levin had have to notice, because he had ushered me inside, where I could finally take a deep breath.

As much as I had appreciated being welcomed this kindly, it had also drained me as I had been affected by so many new people, their moods and their expressions.

Furthermore I had wanted to fulfill the hopes my new pack had placed in their future Luna.
As a Luna I was supposed to be confident and I had desperately tried to appear assertive.

However, I was insanely happy too, because my future pack actually seemed to take a liking to me. Finally my personality was accepted, my heart soared.
A part of myself cautioned me that the pack had not seen my whole character yet, so I could not be sure if they would actually like me or not. My wolf's fur bristled in my mind just thinking of us not being accepted by my future pack, but I tried to shut these negative thoughts down.

"Worry about it, when there's actually a reason to worry about", Dr. Clairence's soft voice sounded in my head and I tried to follow her advice.

Secondly, the Crescent Moon pack protected their members. When Levin's father Lennart had joined us and had learnt from which pack I was from, I had instantly felt his alertness, probably connecting my pack name to the incident that had happened ages ago, which had divided both packs. I could be a possible threat.

He had still been friendly towards me, something that had surprised me, because I had been able to feel his tension.

After the fuss around Levin's and my arrival had stopped, his father had instantly ordered us to his office.

Right now we were on our way there and I felt like a lamb, which was brought to the slaughter.

Levin's hand was on the small of my back and the only reason I was still walking.

"What's going on?", Levin's father instantly wanted to know, after we had all gathered in his office.

I had no idea of how much he was privy to Silas' plan, however, Levin's next sentence explained everything.

"I know I told you that we were just supposed to play being mates, but we're real ones."

Lennart's eyes widened in disbelief and his dark brown eyes locked with mine.

He looked so much like an older version of Levin, only bulkier, that I had initially felt safe with him. He appeared as strong as his name suggested.

However, his dark brown eyes which were borring into mine right now made me want to run.

I had no idea how much longer I could stand this staring contest, because I felt my throat closing alarming me of a panic attack.

Please not now!

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