Chapter thirty five

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Last chapter!

Ashton's POV

Lena was sound asleep in the hospital bed. The fire department had searched the whole warehouse, but the only body they found was Alan's. Harry was nowhere, although they did find something that could very well be him. When the police questioned Lena, she told them that Alan had said he'd gotten rid of Harry before the fire had ever started. It was very possible he'd been dead and gone before the roof caved in. When the cops said that, Lena had broken down again and began screaming at no one in particular before passing out in Liam's arms. She'd been rushed to the hospital by ambulance, and then doctors started performing tests and all kinds of shit to see what was wrong with her and to check on the baby. She'd lost a lot of blood. I just hoped she hadn't lost the baby too.

Lena stirred. She'd been doing that over the past few hours. She'd thrash around and call for Harry, or for Liam or for me, and then roll over and go back to sleep. I stayed by her the whole time, hoping and praying they'd both be okay.

There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in. "Hello, mr. Irwin. Has Lena stayed asleep the whole time?" He asked.

I nodded. "She stirs and talks every once in awhile, but doesn't seem to be totally awake." I said.

"That's normal. Sometimes people go through traumatic experiences and then go into a sort or hibernation that allows the mind to process what's happened peacefully rather than hectically and all at once." He said.

I nodded again. That sounded about right. "Is she gonna be okay?" I asked.

"She doesn't seem to have suffered from injuries too severe. Our biggest worry was the blood loss from the cuts. But we've stitched up the deepest of those and bandaged the rest, so that'll be no problem. She also suffered from a burn on her arm and a pretty bad one on her side, but it's not too bad. I'll prescribe her the salve we have on it now, and it will vanish soon. Don't be scared of the blisters though. They're actually there to help heal." He said.

"And the baby?" I asked, bracing myself.

"Ah, yes. The baby. We've done many ultrasounds and tests, and she most certainly hasn't miscarried, which is a miracle in itself. But we'll take miracles. We have no way of telling if the baby was completely unharmed, but I can tell you that because of how early in the pregnancy she is, that there is a ninety five percent chance the child is unaffected." He said.

I let out a relaxed breath and grabbed Lena's hand. "She'll be glad to know that." I said.

"There's one other thing we are worried about. Miss Payne did go through a traumatic ordeal, and you saw for yourself how it effected her. I should warn you, she may never be the same, emotionally. Expect her to be jumpy, defensive, and irritable for awhile. Also, resist moving towards her too quickly or shouting. That will only make matters worse. Also, she's prone to have nightmares. If her emotional state gets too bad, feel free to get her an appointment with a therapist. But if she doesn't want to don't force her. That'll make things worse as well. Just be patient with her, and she'll come around." He said.

"I will. I would never hurt her or want her to think I would." I said.

"That's good to hear. Alright. That's all I needed to tell you. Let the nurse know if she wakes up or if something happens." He said.

"I will." I said.

Then he left me alone with her.

Liam's POV

We left Ashton with Lena, and the rest of 5sos was left in the waiting room of the hospital. The four of us went to mourn our lost bandmate.

Kathryn had gone back to New York. She said she loved Lena and was glad she was okay, but she couldn't stand to see her best friend like that. Niall would go and join her soon.

Perrie and Lottie had gone home. They were both exhausted from staying up all night. So now it was just One Direction.

Or what was left of it.

We stood right next Harrys favorite place in London, the bench where you could look up and see Big Ben on the horizon. If he could be anywhere right now, hed be here, probably holding my sister in his arms.

But Harry was gone. And he'd never be here again.

Getting Lena back was bitter sweet. I was so glad she was okay. That she was alive. But now Harry was gone forever. And I'd lost my best friend.

Zayn sat on the bench and looked up at Big Ben, like Harry had done so many times. There were tears in his eyes as he stared, mumbling his goodbye to Harry. After that he stood and Niall went, then Louis. And then there was just me. I sat down on the bench and took a deep breath.

"I don't know if you can hear me, Harry. But I hope you can, because there's so much I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you that I love you man. You've been my best mate for a long time, through thick and thin. and you loved my sister like no one else ever will. And for that I'll be eternally grateful. You loved her, made her happy, and protected her when I couldn't. Thank you for that Harry. And thank you for being my mate. And for keeping me sane all these years. Thanks for singing with me. Thanks for being Harry Styles. And I'm sorry I couldn't save you too. I love you man. Heaven is lucky to have you. And I hope one day I'll see you again." I said, finally releasing a tear. This was hard.

I stood up and smiled at an old memory of Harry and I four years ago.

"Goodbye, Hazza." I said. "Goodbye."


Lena's POV

"I'm begging you not to do this!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry. I don't have a choice." He said.

He put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

"Harry!" I screamed.

But he was gone. I couldn't see him. He wasn't there anymore.

"Harry!" I screamed, thrashing around like a maniac.

"Lena!" Someone-not Harry-yelled. Then there were hands restraining me, and I fought even harder.

"Lena, Angel, calm down." He was saying.

I gasped and began to look for him. Harry may be gone, but he could keep me sane. I found his face.

"Ash," I gasped, tears streaking down my face.

"Shhh. It's okay. You're safe." He soothed, brushing my hair out of my face.

I gasped. It was definitely not okay. Harry was gone. Gone forever.

"He's gone." I sobbed.

Ashton held me against his chest and kissed my head. "I know baby." He said.

He held me while I mourned Harry. It felt like my heart was shattered into a million pieces.

"Do you want good news?" He asked.

I didn't answer. How could there be good news at a time like this?

"The baby is okay. The doctor said that there's a ninety percent chance it was totally unaffected." He said.

That was good news. I was just incapable of feeling happy right now.

"I'm glad." I said.

"You're okay too. The doctor said you'll heal." He said.

I looked at the wall.

"I'll never heal from this."

Well, that was the last chapter. Don't worry! There will be an epilogue!

Thank you all so much for reading this. All of your reads, votes, and comments have spurred me on to keep writing and make this book as entertaining as possible. I can't believe how fast this has all gone by.

Also, there will be a third book. However, I don't really know when it'll be up. Hopefully soon. I'll post an update when I post it. In the meantime, y'all read whatever y'all want lol. Also, please. Tell everyone you know to read this book. And the first one, if they haven't already.

Okay! Don't hate me for Harry! It's not over yet! Thank you so much for sticking with me on this!

Love you all,


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