Chapter seventeen

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Liam's POV

How the hell did Alan know Lena was Stacey? What the hell was I supposed to do?!

I was panicking. I couldn't let him her Lena. But I couldn't let him tell the whole world she was Stacey either.

What then?

I texted him back.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I walked out of the room so Lena wouldn't hear her phone going off and wake up.

It dinged just as I closed her door.

You know damn well what I'm taking about, miss Cooper. If that's even your real name.

God. Oh my god. Harry came out of his room-probably to ask if Lena had woken up-when he saw me.

"Is that Lena's phone?" he asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Why do you have it?" he asked.

I sighed and showed him the messages.

Harrys eyes darkened. "This asshole doesn't quit does he?" he asked.

"What do we do, Harry?! Alan knows that Lena is Stacey!" I cried.

"Shhh! Waking her up won't work!" he hissed. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room again.

"We can't tell Lena." He said.

"She'll be pissed if we don't." I told him.

"Lena will do what he says. I don't think you realize how afraid of Alan she really is. She's terrified of him. She'll do whatever he wants if it means he won't hurt her. And nothing would hurt her more than losing Stacey." He said.

"Harry, we have to find a way to keep this from her then. Even if we delete the messages who's to say he won't text her again?" I asked.

"Take her phone." He suggested.

"Last time I took her phone she got lost and ended up hit by a car." I snapped.

"Convince her she lost it. Don't piss her off to where she leaves. And I'll keep an eye on her. Meanwhile, figure out what Alan wants. If we can give it to him without Lena knowing then he'll keep his sorry mouth shut." Harry said.

"What if what he wants is Lena herself? You heard him in the cafe! He wants her back!" I cried.

"Liam, calm down. This isn't helping." Harry said.

I took a few deep breaths. "I just want them to leave her alone. It's like the whole world wants to sleep with my sister." I said.

Harry chuckled. "Not the whole world." He joked.

"This isn't funny!" I snapped.

Harry threw his hands up in surrender. "Sorry! My bad!"he exclaimed.

I ran my hands over my face, a stress habit I shared with Lena.

"We've got to do something about this. And about Luke too. And without Lena over reacting about it. She doesn't need any more stress." I said.

"You're right. The good news is, she's sick. That means we can keep her in the house, which keeps her from running into Alan or Luke anywhere." Harry said.

"We need to keep all of his between us." I told him.

Harry frowned. "Why?" he asked.

"If Kathryn finds out, what is she going to do?" I demanded.

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