Chapter seven

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Lena's POV

"Absolutely not. And you're going to get a new phone right now." Liam said when I was done.

"Liam listen-" i began.

"No." He cut me off.

I sighed. He was making this too hard. "I'm going to go anyway." I said. "Don't make me go without you."

He sized me up, not believing I'd really do it. I didn't want to, not without knowing my big brother would be there. But I would. I had to know what Alan wanted.

"Fine. You get ten minutes to talk to him. And I stay on the phone with you at all times." He said.

I nodded. That much I could agree to. "Let's get ready to go then." I said.

"When do we need to be there?" he asked.

"At noon."

He frowned. "We've got one hour." He said.


We arrived at the cafe not much longer. Alan was already there. My heart fluttered in my chest. I was scared.

Liam dialed my phone number and i answered his call.

"We'll be right outside the door." He promised me.

I nodded and Harry reached out and hugged me, kissing my mouth quickly. "Don't worry." He said.

"We're not goin anywhere." Louis said, kissing my cheek.

"We'll be right here." Zayn said.

"He's not hurting my mum." Niall said with a smile.

I forced one back and got out of the car and walked to the door. Alan was inside, sitting at the window.

I took a deep breath and slid into the seat across from him, close to the edge.

"Lena." He said. "You came."

"You have ten minutes and I'm leaving." I said shortly.

He smirked. "In a hurry?" he asked.

"Liam thinks I went to the drug store to by movie candy." I lied smoothly. "If you want to keep this meeting private, I recommend you keep this short."

"What movie are you seeing?" he asked.

"Beyond The Lights with Harry and Louis." I said easily.

Alan frowned. "You hate chick flicks." He said.

"Lost a bet."

"To Louis and Harry?"

"The three of us lost a bet to Liam, Zayn and Niall. Now, are you going to keep asking me stupid questions or tell me why you called me here?"

Alan leaned back against the booth and smirked again. Was he trying to imitate Harry? because he sucked at it.

"I want you back." He said.

I laughed. Like, a lot.

"Really?!" I demanded.

He nodded. "I need you, Lena." He said.

I laughed again. "How about no." I said.

"Lena, Harry is only going to love you so long. I can give you more than him." Alan said.

"You can't. You can hit me like you hate me and claim that you love me when you're done. You can call me a freak because of my eyes. You can be cold to me but get mad if I get bored with you. But you know what, Alan? I won't let you." I said.

"Lena, what happened here was a mistake. It's not going to happen again." He said.

"I don't believe you." I said.

"Please Lena," he begged.

"Alan, I love Harry. I don't love you. And I never will." I snapped. Who did he think he was?


"No. And what about all the names you've been calling me since I started dating Harry? Huh? Is that supposed to be a good way to get me back? Because I'd hate to see a bad way." I interrupted.

"It won't happen again." He repeated.

"And I still don't believe you." I said, standing up.

"Lena, wait!" Alan exclaimed.

"Times up, Alan."

I started walking towards the door and he grabbed my arm. "Let me go." I said.

He didn't. "Alan let go of me right now." I said.

Suddenly the cafe door opened, revealing Liam and Niall.

"Lena!" Liam exclaimed good naturedly. "I thought you were getting movie candy?"

Alan dropped my arm. "Just stopped in for a drink. Come on." I said.

Liam glared at Alan and led me out of the cafe.

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