Chapter sixteen

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Liam's POV

I was surprised Niall wasn't up and running around. Usually he was up partying with Louis or Lena. But then, Lena and Harry had gone out earlier. Maybe he was waiting on his "mum" to return.

I heard noises in the kitchen and knew he was in there. Maybe I should talk to him. I hadn't meant to hurt him-and I doubted he was-but I wanted to let him know Kathryn was all his if he wanted her.

Why didn't I like that?

What was I doing? Kathryn was my baby sister's best friend! What the hell was I doing kissing her?!

It was because she made me feel better when I was upset over Sophia. Who I needed to call and end the fight with. I missed her. But at the same time I didn't want to. Why did I always have to call?

I decided to talk to Niall and get this over with. But when I walked downstairs, I was shocked to my very core. It wasn't Niall in there, but Harry. He held a sleeping Lena in his arms.

I immediately felt bad. For one, Id gone behind her back to learn a secret she didn't want me to know. Or anyone, for that matter.

Two, I told Kathryn.

Three, I'd hardly paid any attention to her these days. I'd noticed that being both Lena and Stacey in one day everyday had been exhausting her, but never once did I check on her. Never once did I see if she wanted to chill out for awhile knowing she'd fall asleep on my shoulder.

What kind of big brother was I?

"Hey," Harry whispered.

"Hey. Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's fine. Worn out. But fine. She fell asleep in the car." He said.

I sighed. "I should be the one taking care of her." I muttered.

Harry sighed too. "Liam, chill out. Lena isn't upset or anything. She's not feeling neglected by you. She's fine. Although she is hideously grossed out by you kissing Kathryn." He said.

He shifted my sister in his arms then, and she stirred but didn't wake up. "Why did you kiss her anyway? Kathryn is kind of annoying." He said.

I smiled at that. "She wasn't a bad kisser." I whispered. If Lena heard she'd be gagging. I was glad she was asleep.

Harry chuckled. "I've got to hear this story. But I need to put Lena in bed. Rain check?"

I nodded. "Sure." I said.

He started for the stairs when he paused. "Hey, Liam?"


"You should talk to Niall. He's pretty upset." He said.

He walked away with Lena before I could reply.


Lena's POV

I woke up alone for the first time in a long time. But luckily my sleep was nightmare free.

I glanced at the clock to see that it was four in the morning. My head was throbbing, and my throat hurt. I felt sick to my stomach.


I got out of bed and went downstairs. Maybe there was something I could take to ease the pain in my head. It hurt like hell.

I found the medicine cabinet was too high for me to reach. I went to grab a chair. I was so tired, my head hurt so bad, and I could hardly move the thing. I groaned when it hardly moved an inch so I gave up and went to climb the counter when a voice stopped me.

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