Chapter 36

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Lucy's P.O.V

'Ugh, I'm an idiot', I thought.

"ROSE", I heard Laxus bellow behind me.

"What Michael", I snapped.

"You marked him", he asked when he caught up to me.

"Yes, but not that kind of mark", I sighed.

"Then what kind of mark", Laxus asked.

"Not now, please Micheal", I begged, "I promise I'll tell you guys everything afterward"

"Fine", Laxus sighed.

"Thank you"

"I'm still gonna kick your ass"

"No, you're not. You will behave and act like a good big brother", Freed said as he walked toward us.

"But Just", Laxus whined.

"No buts Micheal"

'Freed has Laxus wrapped around his little finger', I thought.

"You're whipped man", Bixlow laughed.

"Shut up", Laxus grumbled. Everybody laughed while Freed took pity on his poor boyfriend.

"Come on, we're here already", Cosmos said.

"You ready Re-", I asked.

"REMUS, LUPIN stop doing that this instant", Jay yelled.

I turned around to see Happy and Lupin ready to attack Natsu.

"You're getting creamed today weaklings", Natsu laughed.

"Don't bet on it", Happy snarled.

"Fairy Tail is the strongest guild in Fiore, in not all of Ishgar", Natsu boasted smugly.

"Don't make me laugh, little Salamander", Happy snarled.

"Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that", Natsu asked angrily.

"Beat Remus and you'll find out", Lupin snapped.

"Enough, Remus, Lupin, leave them be. Let their fist do the talking", Ravena said coldly.

"Yes ma'am"

{Tiny 30 minute skip time}

"Welcome. Today's fight is between Remus and Natsu. Let's have a clean fight you two", Gramps said.

Happy and Natsu stood in front of each other.

"You're dead", Natsu smirk.

"Try me", Happy said sweetly. I snorted at Happy's antics.

"Don't antagonize him too much, okay Remus", I called out.

"Don't worry Rose", he called back.

"You smell funny", Natsu said, looking directly at Happy.

"I smell", Happy asked in fake horror, "That's just a rude thing to say"

Everyone snickered. 'Keep going Natsu, try and figure it out', I thought.

Be nice Lucy, Cosmos said.

Can't do that right now, I said back. I was drawn back to the fight by:

"Fire dragon roar"

I watch as fire completely surrounds Happy. I could see Natsu laughing.

"What a weakling"


"Are you sure Igneel trained you. These flame taste like rotten garbage", Happy said. Everyone gasped. I snickered. 'Smooth Happy, real smooth'.

"What the hell", Natsu yelled.

"I asked if Igneel really trained you", Happy repeated slowly, af if talking to a young child.

"Of course he did and he would be proud of me"

"PROUD OF YOU", Happy yelled, "Why in the seven levels of hell would he be proud of you. What have you ever done to be worth of Igneel's good graces"

"I protect my friends. Love them like family. At Fairy Tail, we are all family and we look out for our Nakama"

"That bullshit", Happy snapped, "You didn't protect or look after Lucy when she was being beaten by the rest of the guild. Hell, you even joined in on beating her. You left her feeling weak, worthless and unwanted"

"So what, what do you know about the weakling. Only the strong can survive here", Natsu snapped back.

"You're the weak one you hot-headed oversized loud pig mouth inferno", Happy yelled.

"What did you call me"

Happy ignored him. "Lucy is the strongest, kindest, best person on any planet and in any realm. She has a good mind, a strong heart, and a powerful soul. Her entire existence shines you with complete warmth. She accepts you for who you are without judgment. She loves unconditionally without ever expecting anything in return. And Natsu Dragneel, you are a disgrace to ever say otherwise. So don't you ever say another bad thing about my mother in front of me again"

I started crying. I knew I was loved, but to hear Happy stick up for me. It's too much. I could feel the tears streaming down my face as I watched Happy pant from his rant. 'So don't you ever say another bad thing about my mother in front of me again'. That sentence rang through my ears. Happy saw me as his mother.

"You know what. I give up. I'm going to win anyway. There's no point in dragging this on", Happy said. I watch him walk up to Natsu and give him a hard right hook t]to the jaw.

"Well. I think he's out cold", Happy said, walking away from the passed out wizard.

"Just who do you think you are", Erza [I almost wrote Riza] demanded. Happy ignored her and called out:

"Hey Rose, I know the agreement was to reveal ourselves to them only if we won. But can we do it anyway and stay", he asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Even though most of the guild was a jerk there were those few who helped and were still there for you", Laxus said.

"He's right. I've grown up here. And even though I'm ashamed of what the guild has done. I can't leave this place", Bix said.

"Remus, Michael, Bix, you're right. We will reveal ourselves and stay. Even if I might not be happy about it, this is where you guys belong. And plus I can't leave those who stood up for me. I'd feel like I abandoned them"

I reached for my hood and slid it off my head. I looked up to see Lisanna, Mira, Levy, Gajeel, Lily, Happy, Carla Wendy, Gray and Juvia beaming while the rest of the guild had their jaws on the floor.

"Hey guys", I smiled.

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