Chapter 21

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Lucy's P.O.V

Cosmos and I followed Bixlow, S.J, and Ravena because I found Bixlow's visor. When we found the clearing they were in I heard what they were talking about.

I'm the great-granddaughter of Ravena. Why didn't anyone tell me? Why did she hide this for so long?

"Why wasn't I told any of this", I demanded, stepping out of the shadows that were hiding me.

"Lucy", Ravena whispered, her eyes wide in pure shock.

"Why", I asked again.

Ravena hung her head, I saw her squeeze Bixlow and S.J shoulders before walking towards me.

"You weren't supposed to know. My daughter thought I had died while giving birth. That's what her father told her because that's what I replaced his memories with", she explained.

"But why", I demanded.

"Lucy quit being rude", Bixlow snapped. I stepped back, slightly afraid, not once had I heard his tone so harsh

"I was responsible for my son's death. I was not going to interfere with my daughter's life. She grew up, got married, had kids, even had grandkids. In all honesty, I didn't want to raise Diana"

"WHAT", S.J, Bixlow and I yelled.

"My baby boy was my pride in joy, losing him. I lost a part of myself. When Diana was born, it felt like I was replacing Lucifer. Don't get me wrong, I loved Diana. I loved every second I got to be with her. But, the doubt, the self-hatred, the feeling that I was replacing Lucifer, it became to much. I couldn't be the kind of mother Diana would need", Ravena explained, her head still was hung low. Her arms wrapped around herself.

"I'm sorry Rave- Grandma", I apologized.

Ravena smiled and held out her arms. She hugged me, balling up the fabric of my shirt in her hands.

"Thank you Lucy", she whispered as she pulled back to look at me. I smiled at her before walking away.

"See you at dinner Grandma", I yelled as I reached the edge of the clearing, my smile grew wider when I heard her say 'love you ya stupid brat'.

3rd P.O.V

Bixlow, S.J, and Ravena stood still in the clearing as they watch Lucy walk away with Cosmos.

They stood there even after they could no longer hear Lucy, the wind ruffled their close.

Ravena looked up, watching the fluffy white clouds roll on against the bright blue sky.

"Let's get on with training", she said, her voice was warm, fitting into the peacefulness that had engulfed the three of them.

"Do I really have to drink your blood", Bixlow asked, his voice held fear but his face showed disgust.

Ravena didn't answer right away. She thought for a moment, 'how am I supposed to do this' she asked herself. Then her eyes widened with an idea.

"Bixlow", she asked slowly, grabbing his attention, "Do we have any booze"

"Yeah... why do you-", he cut himself off. 'Oh no, please told tell me she gonna do what I think she gonna do', he silently pleaded.

"Lupin you can come out now", Ravena called. Bixlow and S.J were confused. Lupin?

Slowly a figure walked out of the shadows. Now standing in the sun's bright light was the grey-haired, amber-eyed boy.

"Yes Ravena", Lupin asked, his voice as hollow as ever.

"Do me a favor and grab a bottle of booze from the cave", Ravena commanded. Lupin raised an eyebrow before jumping in the air and activating his wings.

It took him less than five minutes to get the task done. But he was using his max speed.

"Here you go", he said as he handed the bottle over to Ravena. She smiled at him and told him to hang on to it for a moment.

A red light surrounded Ravena. Within a couple of seconds stood the power dragon form of Ravena.

She lifted both her wings and shook her whole body, scales fell from her back and tail. She nodded, satisfied she got what she wanted.

Again the red light surrounded her and there now stood the human form of their teacher.

Ravena took the knife that was attached to her waist and cut her wrist.

S.J winced at the sight. She looked down at her own wrist. She was six months clean, and she planned on staying that way for the rest of her life.

Bixlow watched as Ravena held her wrist over the opening of the bottle. He watched as the blood dripped from her wrist and mix with the booze.

After an antagonizing two minutes, Ravena removed her wrist from over the bottle. She took it from Lupin and handed it to Bixlow.

Bixlow took the booze bottle and slowly, VERY slowly brought it to his lips. Taking in a deep breath and tightly closing his eyes he chugged it.

"Well that was-", Bixlow said before passing out.

S.J screamed, attracting the attention on everyone else. They ran as fast as they could to find Bixlow on the ground, blood dripping down Ravena's arms and S.J panicking.

"What the hell happened here", Laxus' voice boomed.

"He'll be fine. He's just passed out", Ravena said as she ripped a piece of her shirt to wrap around her cut, "Quite honestly, he's reacting better than I thought he would. He was able to drink the whole thing before passing out"

Everyone else just stood there stunned.

A low groan was what brought them back to reality.

"Wha- what happened", Bixlow asked as he sat up.

"Ya passed out apparently", Laxus said, answering his friend's question.

"Oh. That makes sense, I mean I did just drink booze that was mixed with Ravena's blood", Bixlow said.

Everyone went back to their shocked states before yelling;


Bixlow just chuckled and S.J giggled. Ravena's face just held a small smile.  

A/N I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter.

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